In the article the technique of holding excursion occupations in the field of the nature as unique form of the organization of educational process at school is considered. Such occupations are of particular importance for studying of regularities of development of wildlife and also for control of live objects, independent carrying out experiments. Not only development of cognitive interests, mental and creative abilities of pupils, but also acquaintance to groups of insects, creation of entomological collections, improvement of practical knowledge became result of such occupations. And also interest and the responsibility of pupils in a subject is increased, to work independently and in group, to study each other.


In the article the technique of holding excursion occupations in the field of the nature as unique form of the organization of educational process at school is considered. Such occupations are of particular importance for studying of regularities of development of wildlife and also for control of live objects, independent carrying out experiments. Not only development of cognitive interests, mental and creative abilities of pupils, but also acquaintance to groups of insects, creation of entomological collections, improvement of practical knowledge became result of such occupations. And also interest and the responsibility of pupils in a subject is increased, to work independently and in group, to study each other.


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A. Âsaui atyndaġy Halyk̦aralyk̦ k̦azak̦-tùrìk universitetìnìn̦ habaršysy-Cover
  • Yayın Aralığı: Aylık
  • Yayıncı: Hoca Ahmet Yesevi Uluslararası Türk-Kazak Üniversitesi