This article deals with the shining history of national-progressive movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as ―Jadidism‖. The history of Jadidism and its evolution from enlightenment before powerful political movement are tracked here. Jadidism is considered as the phenomenal public events in the history. It arouse in bowels of the Central Asian society on the basis of a harmonious combination of a rich spiritual heritage and as the comprehension of the place in realities of that time and necessity of its reforming for successful prosperity in the future. Today, there appears the possibility of restoration of historical truth in the conditions of cardinal changes in the historical science. Requirement for resolute revision of former installations about role and place in historical process of national-progressive movement has ripened as the unique political phenomenon in the early 20th century. This phenomenon promoted national consciousness growth and played an essential role in formation and development of national-liberation ideology, in struggle for independence.


This article deals with the shining history of national-progressive movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as ―Jadidism‖. The history of Jadidism and its evolution from enlightenment before powerful political movement are tracked here. Jadidism is considered as the phenomenal public events in the history. It arouse in bowels of the Central Asian society on the basis of a harmonious combination of a rich spiritual heritage and as the comprehension of the place in realities of that time and necessity of its reforming for successful prosperity in the future. Today, there appears the possibility of restoration of historical truth in the conditions of cardinal changes in the historical science. Requirement for resolute revision of former installations about role and place in historical process of national-progressive movement has ripened as the unique political phenomenon in the early 20th century. This phenomenon promoted national consciousness growth and played an essential role in formation and development of national-liberation ideology, in struggle for independence.


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