In our research the questions of formation of professional competence of future teachers of mathematics by means of development of information and communication subject environment in virtual system Moodle on school mathematics are considered. This article is devoted to the definition of criteria of formation of professional competence of the future teacher of mathematics. To determine the criteria used qualitative indicators of development and methods of mathematical statistics. The proposed criteria allow not only to evaluate the result of educational activities of students, but also motivate them to achieve the goals of the forming process, to give self-assessment of their activities, to adjust it. In this case, we can say that the roles of teachers and students are fundamentally changing.


In our research the questions of formation of professional competence of future teachers of mathematics by means of development of information and communication subject environment in virtual system Moodle on school mathematics are considered. This article is devoted to the definition of criteria of formation of professional competence of the future teacher of mathematics. To determine the criteria used qualitative indicators of development and methods of mathematical statistics. The proposed criteria allow not only to evaluate the result of educational activities of students, but also motivate them to achieve the goals of the forming process, to give self-assessment of their activities, to adjust it. In this case, we can say that the roles of teachers and students are fundamentally changing.


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