The article deals with the fact that the rational and correct use of language depends on the vocabulary of a person and its reasonable use, the meaning of vocabulary in a person's life. The conclusions of linguists on the development of language materials were presented, the types of work to enrich the formulated and vocabulary were proposed. Within the framework of the program for the development of language knowledge in the amount established by the program, theories of linguists, language materials were presented and formulated. We study the language system linguistic research directions the review of speech, language means of communication, indicating the need for a proper mastery of the language building. In language education, the theories of foreign and domestic scientists are presented, which are considered from the point of view of the speech process, from the point of view of the structure of speech.


The article deals with the fact that the rational and correct use of language depends on the vocabulary of a person and its reasonable use, the meaning of vocabulary in a person's life. The conclusions of linguists on the development of language materials were presented, the types of work to enrich the formulated and vocabulary were proposed. Within the framework of the program for the development of language knowledge in the amount established by the program, theories of linguists, language materials were presented and formulated. We study the language system linguistic research directions the review of speech, language means of communication, indicating the need for a proper mastery of the language building. In language education, the theories of foreign and domestic scientists are presented, which are considered from the point of view of the speech process, from the point of view of the structure of speech.


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