Scientists from Central Asia and the Khorasan region have played an important role in the formation and development of Islamic sciences. Especially in the Karakhanid period, the cities of Samarkand and Bukhara became important research centers. Looking at historical data, we see that scientists from different areas are emerging in these regions, such as fiqh, hadith, kalam, tafsir and tasavuf. Burkhanid al-Marginani, born in Marghinan, Fergana district of Uzbekistan. He is a scientist of the Hanafi Mazkhab not only in the Muslim world, but also in the West. He was known for his work in the history of Islamic law ―Al-Hidaya‖. Al-Hidayah is a valuable merit of the Hanafi Mazhab, translated into English, Russian, Turkish and other languages. In his work sets of translations and interpretations were made. This article discusses the contribution of Burkhanid al-Marginani to the study of fiqh and analyzes the peculiarities of his work ―Al-Hidaya‖.


Scientists from Central Asia and the Khorasan region have played an important role in the formation and development of Islamic sciences. Especially in the Karakhanid period, the cities of Samarkand and Bukhara became important research centers. Looking at historical data, we see that scientists from different areas are emerging in these regions, such as fiqh, hadith, kalam, tafsir and tasavuf. Burkhanid al-Marginani, born in Marghinan, Fergana district of Uzbekistan. He is a scientist of the Hanafi Mazkhab not only in the Muslim world, but also in the West. He was known for his work in the history of Islamic law ―Al-Hidaya‖. Al-Hidayah is a valuable merit of the Hanafi Mazhab, translated into English, Russian, Turkish and other languages. In his work sets of translations and interpretations were made. This article discusses the contribution of Burkhanid al-Marginani to the study of fiqh and analyzes the peculiarities of his work ―Al-Hidaya‖.


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