The Main Requirements for the Methodology of Using Multimedia Presentations in Teaching Mathematics to Future College Technicians

The relevance of the use of information technologies is dictated, first of all, by the pedagogical needs to improve the effectiveness of developmental learning, in particular, the need to form the experience of independent learning, research approach to learning, the development of critical thinking. The article discusses the basic requirements for the creation and use of multimedia presentations in the educational process. Necessity of observance of didactic, methodical, specific didactic principles in work with modern information and communication technologies is proved.

The Main Requirements for the Methodology of Using Multimedia Presentations in Teaching Mathematics to Future College Technicians

The relevance of the use of information technologies is dictated, first of all, by the pedagogical needs to improve the effectiveness of developmental learning, in particular, the need to form the experience of independent learning, research approach to learning, the development of critical thinking. The article discusses the basic requirements for the creation and use of multimedia presentations in the educational process. Necessity of observance of didactic, methodical, specific didactic principles in work with modern information and communication technologies is proved.


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