Information about Newspapers and Magazines Published during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945

The article is a part of the history of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 - newspapers in the Kazakh language on the front. It is a chronicle of the bravery of the Kazakh warriors, the brave sons and daughters of the Kazakh people, the citizens of the Soviet Union in fiery battles, and the feat of home front. The most widespread and developed branch of the Kazakh journalism of that time – daily editions, newspapers, constantly transmitting the news to the public and readers. If in fact, the main duty and responsibility of the media (media) before the country, the Creator, for society was to guide the positive emotions of all citizens by the right distribution of truth and to ensure the development of society, then during the war years the media had fully fulfilled their duty, performed, described exemplary ways to defend the Motherland, passed on to the descendants as a historical heritage. This is an eternal historical value and value for us and for our future generations.

Information about Newspapers and Magazines Published during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945

The article is a part of the history of the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 - newspapers in the Kazakh language on the front. It is a chronicle of the bravery of the Kazakh warriors, the brave sons and daughters of the Kazakh people, the citizens of the Soviet Union in fiery battles, and the feat of home front. The most widespread and developed branch of the Kazakh journalism of that time – daily editions, newspapers, constantly transmitting the news to the public and readers. If in fact, the main duty and responsibility of the media (media) before the country, the Creator, for society was to guide the positive emotions of all citizens by the right distribution of truth and to ensure the development of society, then during the war years the media had fully fulfilled their duty, performed, described exemplary ways to defend the Motherland, passed on to the descendants as a historical heritage. This is an eternal historical value and value for us and for our future generations.


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