The author in this article draws attention to the predominant side of shamanic convictions and the distance from religious interpretations in the study of the historical origin of mythical tales and legends about Korkyt, preserved in the Syrdarya valley. It is considered to be at the stage of formation of the first image of the creator, as well as image of the archetype of the associated side with art.The author also conducts a detailed scientific analysis of the surviving ancient mythical concepts characteristic of the original gods in the legends related to the birth of Korkyt, the avoidance of death, as well as the kyuis he composed.


The author in this article draws attention to the predominant side of shamanic convictions and the distance from religious interpretations in the study of the historical origin of mythical tales and legends about Korkyt, preserved in the Syrdarya valley. It is considered to be at the stage of formation of the first image of the creator, as well as image of the archetype of the associated side with art.The author also conducts a detailed scientific analysis of the surviving ancient mythical concepts characteristic of the original gods in the legends related to the birth of Korkyt, the avoidance of death, as well as the kyuis he composed.


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