The life and work of Alash Orda figures are one of the tools of education of young people in the spirit of patriotism. Therefore, training for use as a means of education in higher education heritage of our figures who lived in the Turkestan period of the Alash Orda and served for the future of Kazakhstan, for its independence and made a public contribution to the development of science and literature, in the education of young people, citizens of a sovereign country, today creates. The article highlights the ways of formation of youth as a versatile personality on the example of propaganda works of prominent figures of Alash, written in the Turkestan period, their essence and content, moral, educational forces.


The life and work of Alash Orda figures are one of the tools of education of young people in the spirit of patriotism. Therefore, training for use as a means of education in higher education heritage of our figures who lived in the Turkestan period of the Alash Orda and served for the future of Kazakhstan, for its independence and made a public contribution to the development of science and literature, in the education of young people, citizens of a sovereign country, today creates. The article highlights the ways of formation of youth as a versatile personality on the example of propaganda works of prominent figures of Alash, written in the Turkestan period, their essence and content, moral, educational forces.


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