Prerequisites and Methodology of Discursive Study of Religion

In the article basic prerequisites of discursive study of religion are shown, methodology is analyzed. On the basis of discursive methodology, the specifics of defining religion are shown, the process of the formation of these definitions in the academic environment and the factors influencing it are analyzed. Concepts such as discourse, discursive structures, discursive events, discursive relations, discursive actions, and sphere are defined. Examples are considered and explained to reveal the meaning of each concept. The reasons for the search for new paradigms in the self-determination of the European academic environment are described and explained. The methodology of discourse research in this direction is considered. The complex of meanings of the concept of Western esotericism are analyzed. The processes that occurred as a result of discursive changes are described. The importance and impact of scientific knowledge are studied. Conclusions are made for the disclosure of the topic using comparative analysis, induction and deduction, analysis, synthesis, synchronic and diachronic methods. The importance and benefits of discourse research are explained. The article identifies and analyzes the necessary concepts used in the discursive study of religion as an area of research that socially systematizes scientific knowledge about the concept of religion and turns it into a historical category. Discourse about religion generalizes and legitimizes social reality and structures with meaning. Although discursive and historical analysis of religion is not a separate method, it can become a direction of research. The essence and significance of the research conducted on the basis of this direction are reflected in the article based on specific examples.

Prerequisites and Methodology of Discursive Study of Religion

In the article basic prerequisites of discursive study of religion are shown, methodology is analyzed. On the basis of discursive methodology, the specifics of defining religion are shown, the process of the formation of these definitions in the academic environment and the factors influencing it are analyzed. Concepts such as discourse, discursive structures, discursive events, discursive relations, discursive actions, and sphere are defined. Examples are considered and explained to reveal the meaning of each concept. The reasons for the search for new paradigms in the self-determination of the European academic environment are described and explained. The methodology of discourse research in this direction is considered. The complex of meanings of the concept of Western esotericism are analyzed. The processes that occurred as a result of discursive changes are described. The importance and impact of scientific knowledge are studied. Conclusions are made for the disclosure of the topic using comparative analysis, induction and deduction, analysis, synthesis, synchronic and diachronic methods. The importance and benefits of discourse research are explained. The article identifies and analyzes the necessary concepts used in the discursive study of religion as an area of research that socially systematizes scientific knowledge about the concept of religion and turns it into a historical category. Discourse about religion generalizes and legitimizes social reality and structures with meaning. Although discursive and historical analysis of religion is not a separate method, it can become a direction of research. The essence and significance of the research conducted on the basis of this direction are reflected in the article based on specific examples.


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