The Ethno-Linguistic Nature of Zoonymic Names in the Kazakh Language

Linguistics deals with the problem of onomastics, the object of research is zoonimic names. From the scientific point of view, the peculiarities of the study, partial classification of zoonimic names have been demonstrated. Several reasons for the insufficient study of this field in the language have been identified. Internal and external extralinguistic factors have been singled out in the consideration of zoonim names. The ethnolinguistic nature of zoonymic names in the Kazakh language, especially those related to animal names, has been analyzed. Zoonymic names are of great importance in our language as one of the ways of defining national identity and worldview. We can notice that the names of four cattle of our people contain certain ethno-cultural information. The basis of national peculiarities in zoonimic names originates from Turkic cognition and is also manifested in the language of modern Turkic peoples. By considering the semantic ethnocultural character of each of the zoonimic names, we can make a huge contribution to modern ethnolinguistic science. Today it is known that the science of language develops in an external extra-linguistic direction rather than an internal factor. By taking each name in a language as national-cultural information, we can look into the past and present of our language. Zoonymic names are also very rich in linguistic units that convey information from our national existence. Therefore, the study of this area complements the field of etymology, ethnolinguistics. The issues discussed in the article contribute to the future development of the ethnolinguistic branch of language science.

The Ethno-Linguistic Nature of Zoonymic Names in the Kazakh Language

Linguistics deals with the problem of onomastics, the object of research is zoonimic names. From the scientific point of view, the peculiarities of the study, partial classification of zoonimic names have been demonstrated. Several reasons for the insufficient study of this field in the language have been identified. Internal and external extralinguistic factors have been singled out in the consideration of zoonim names. The ethnolinguistic nature of zoonymic names in the Kazakh language, especially those related to animal names, has been analyzed. Zoonymic names are of great importance in our language as one of the ways of defining national identity and worldview. We can notice that the names of four cattle of our people contain certain ethno-cultural information. The basis of national peculiarities in zoonimic names originates from Turkic cognition and is also manifested in the language of modern Turkic peoples. By considering the semantic ethnocultural character of each of the zoonimic names, we can make a huge contribution to modern ethnolinguistic science. Today it is known that the science of language develops in an external extra-linguistic direction rather than an internal factor. By taking each name in a language as national-cultural information, we can look into the past and present of our language. Zoonymic names are also very rich in linguistic units that convey information from our national existence. Therefore, the study of this area complements the field of etymology, ethnolinguistics. The issues discussed in the article contribute to the future development of the ethnolinguistic branch of language science.


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