Modern History: the Role of Historical and Cultural Heritage in the Formation of the Identification of the Central Asian States

The article is devoted to the republics of Central Asia, which, after gaining independence, actively joined the integration processes of the world community. In the context of globalization, issues related to the preservation of interethnic and interfaith harmony have become very relevant. The political and social life of a society is influenced by many factors, including historical and geographical integrity, historical and cultural community, issues of national identity and religious policy. The spiritual development of the people at the present stage is a key element of the internal policy of our country, it aims to ensure the unity of all segments of society and its sustainable development. It is also obvious that it is necessary to build a modern innovative economy that is closely related to the individual, his internal state and quality of life. The level of development of society largely depends on spiritual values, on their place in the life of society. In each of the Central Asian republics we studied, after gaining independence, reforms began, related not only to political, economic and social transformations, but also to spiritual revival, the restoration of their own history, traditions and customs. Historical memory returns. Similar transformations were carried out in each republic, but by looking more closely at the reforms we studied, we were able to identify the differences.

Modern History: the Role of Historical and Cultural Heritage in the Formation of the Identification of the Central Asian States

The article is devoted to the republics of Central Asia, which, after gaining independence, actively joined the integration processes of the world community. In the context of globalization, issues related to the preservation of interethnic and interfaith harmony have become very relevant. The political and social life of a society is influenced by many factors, including historical and geographical integrity, historical and cultural community, issues of national identity and religious policy. The spiritual development of the people at the present stage is a key element of the internal policy of our country, it aims to ensure the unity of all segments of society and its sustainable development. It is also obvious that it is necessary to build a modern innovative economy that is closely related to the individual, his internal state and quality of life. The level of development of society largely depends on spiritual values, on their place in the life of society. In each of the Central Asian republics we studied, after gaining independence, reforms began, related not only to political, economic and social transformations, but also to spiritual revival, the restoration of their own history, traditions and customs. Historical memory returns. Similar transformations were carried out in each republic, but by looking more closely at the reforms we studied, we were able to identify the differences.


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