Knowledge as the Main Capital in Ensuring the Spiritual Rebirth of the Nation
The article discusses worldview aspects regarding how our country can become a nation of strong and responsible people in a dynamically changing global order. The formation of intellectual nation is one of the conditions for the success of our state on the world stage. Global processes dictate non-standard solutions, the active use of new information and communication technologies, changes the rhythm and lifestyle, national traditions are supplemented by modern elements, and therefore, issues of renewal, revival of spirituality, rebirth of consciousness should concern every
Knowledge as the Main Capital in Ensuring the Spiritual Rebirth of the Nation
The article discusses worldview aspects regarding how our country can become a nation of strong and responsible people in a dynamically changing global order. The formation of intellectual nation is one of the conditions for the success of our state on the world stage. Global processes dictate non-standard solutions, the active use of new information and communication technologies, changes the rhythm and lifestyle, national traditions are supplemented by modern elements, and therefore, issues of renewal, revival of spirituality, rebirth of consciousness should concern every
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