The article deals with inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Special educational needs of children are not limited only to education at a specialized school. Studies of the subject has shown that the development of inclusive education in Kazakhstan is gaining momentum and is supported by the state. In the context of the modernization of Kazakhstan's education, the development of mechanisms for adaptive strategies for children with special educational needs is a natural step related to the reinterpretation by society and the state of their attitude to people with special educational needs.


The article deals with inclusive education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Special educational needs of children are not limited only to education at a specialized school. Studies of the subject has shown that the development of inclusive education in Kazakhstan is gaining momentum and is supported by the state. In the context of the modernization of Kazakhstan's education, the development of mechanisms for adaptive strategies for children with special educational needs is a natural step related to the reinterpretation by society and the state of their attitude to people with special educational needs.


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