This article discusses some issues of modernization of consciousness. Spiritual modernization is, first of all, a deep understanding of who "We" are and what "We" are, where we are now, what has been done and achieved, what tasks still need to be solved? Spiritual modernization is a question of our identification, a question of values and cultural codes shared by all members of society. This is the formation of new meanings and images of the future that we create. The modernization of public consciousness takes place through the renewal of humanitarian knowledge and the acceptance by society of its new imperatives. Given the threats that loomed over modern society, there is a need for the people of Kazakhstan to have a solid core in their culture, their worldview and national consciousness. Therefore, the formation of the national cultural code is very important. The concept of national code is used as a fundamental and basic one. What is the national code? In our opinion, the identity of a person in the traditional Kazakh society at all times, his moral foundations of the world were determined by such key concepts as respect for ancestors, respect for elders, language and culture, native land, etc. These code concepts and formed the character of the Kazakh, as genes form the appearance of a person, his attitude to the world.


This article discusses some issues of modernization of consciousness. Spiritual modernization is, first of all, a deep understanding of who "We" are and what "We" are, where we are now, what has been done and achieved, what tasks still need to be solved? Spiritual modernization is a question of our identification, a question of values and cultural codes shared by all members of society. This is the formation of new meanings and images of the future that we create. The modernization of public consciousness takes place through the renewal of humanitarian knowledge and the acceptance by society of its new imperatives. Given the threats that loomed over modern society, there is a need for the people of Kazakhstan to have a solid core in their culture, their worldview and national consciousness. Therefore, the formation of the national cultural code is very important. The concept of national code is used as a fundamental and basic one. What is the national code? In our opinion, the identity of a person in the traditional Kazakh society at all times, his moral foundations of the world were determined by such key concepts as respect for ancestors, respect for elders, language and culture, native land, etc. These code concepts and formed the character of the Kazakh, as genes form the appearance of a person, his attitude to the world.


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