The article is devoted to the identification of socio-educational ideas in the works of Sh.Kudaiberdiev. As one of the Kazakh enlighteners in the early twentieth century, the poet’s pedagogical views focused his attention on correcting behavioral deficiencies in education and upbringing. At the same time, their thoughts on social pedagogy are classified and analyzed. The findings of the social and educational direction come from traditional ethical approaches to human behavior, along with the behavioral, to identify gaps and create your own idea that you can correct, as a teacher and thinker of Shakarim and national pedagogical science, to evaluate the conclusions that can be considered as one of founders of social pedagogy.


The article is devoted to the identification of socio-educational ideas in the works of Sh.Kudaiberdiev. As one of the Kazakh enlighteners in the early twentieth century, the poet’s pedagogical views focused his attention on correcting behavioral deficiencies in education and upbringing. At the same time, their thoughts on social pedagogy are classified and analyzed. The findings of the social and educational direction come from traditional ethical approaches to human behavior, along with the behavioral, to identify gaps and create your own idea that you can correct, as a teacher and thinker of Shakarim and national pedagogical science, to evaluate the conclusions that can be considered as one of founders of social pedagogy.


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