A troubled period has begun with the Chesma and Navarino battles and thewar that took place in history as the Crimean War (1853-1856) to destroy Russia’sNavy in Sevastopol. The Russian Marines, which started just before the CrimeanWar and continued after the Crimean War, had joint activities with Ottoman sailorsto map the Black Sea and the Marmara. Joint mapping with the Russians on theOttoman coast was realized by a Russian naval officer, Ygor Manganari, on theboard of the vessel called “Galupka” on the Black Sea between 1829 and 1837.Between 1845 and 1847, the captain Manganari’s naval officers prepared a mapof the Marmara Sea coast and ports. As a result of the modernization efforts in the19th century, the contemporary cartographic activities started in the Ottoman State.Thus, the Ottoman Engineer School commenced cartography training, and foreignmapping specialists were also employed at the School. Examples of these studieswill be tried to be followed and presented in this research through documents andmaps in the Ottoman Archives. Consequently, in this study, related to these activitiesthe documents in the Prime Ministerial Ottoman Archive reviewed from theperspective of the history of art.


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