This study was conducted to determine the effect of the web-based presentation of a mathematics unit appropriate for project-based teaching on student success and to reveal students’ opinions on the project process. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were used together in this experimental study. Data were collected with group study and personal study assessment forms within the scope of qualitative research and with the pre-test and post- test containing 10 questions within the scope of quantitative research. The participants of the study consist of 81 students participating in the 11 th -grade basic level mathematics curriculum in Yozgat province. Quantitative data were analyzed by the independent samples t-test, and qualitative data were analyzed by the content analysis. It was concluded that the web-based presentation of a mathematics unit appropriate for project-based teaching has a positive effect on student success, but students experience problems in reaching information sources in the process of project studies conducted in group, performing group studies, and in time management in the process of personal project studies.


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