Nahçivan Özerk Cumhuriyetiʼnde konuşulan Nahçivan lehçesi güneydeki diyalektler ile Azerbaycan Türkçesinin diyalektlerini birleştirmektedir. Söz varlığı bakımından çok zengin olan bu grupta edebî dilde kullanılmayan pek çok söz ve terkipler mevcuttur. Dilin söz varlığını zenginleştirmede diyalektlerin rolü büyüktür. Dilin tarihî gelişimi neticesinde lehçelerin bir kısmı yerel özelliklerini kaybedip edebî dilin söz varlığına girer. Bu açıdan diyalektlerin söz varlığını araştırmak son derece önemlidir. Nahçivan lehçesinin söz varlığında önceden Azerbaycan’ın tarihî yazma eserlerinde kullanılan ancak sonradan edebî dil için birer arkaik unsura dönüşen kelimelerle karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu kelimelerin eskicil olduğunu ispat eden örnekler oldukça fazladır. Makalede Rus dilinden Nahçivan lehçesine giren sözler de araştırılıp bu sözlerin sadece lehçesinde kullanıldığı ortaya konulmuştur.


Nakhchivan dialect, covering the territory of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, combines the southern group of dialects and dialects of the Azerbaijani language. In this group, which has an extremely rich lexicon, we encounter many words and expressions that are not used in the literary language. In these dialects, these expressions are used in such a phonetic version that the same object or concept is expressed in different words. This rich dialectical vocabulary was not formed suddenly, it appeared as a result of the long historical development of the Azerbaijani language. The role of dialect vocabulary is great in enriching the vocabulary of the language. As a result of the historical development of the language, a part of dialectisms, having lost its local features, is included in the vocabulary of the literary language. In this context, the study of the vocabulary of dialects and accents is very important. In the vocabulary of the Nakhchivan dialect we meet with the words that were once used in the ancient written monuments of Azerbaijan, later became archaic for a literary language, but in the dialect's vocabulary, they are preserved and are found in related languages. This, in turn, proves the antiquity of these words and their historical belonging to the Azerbaijani language. In the Nakhchivan dialect there are many similar and different features with the literary language. Therefore, it is under the influence of the literary language that this branch of linguistics develops, the vocabulary of dialects and accents are enriched by the literary language. However, the literary language, taking advantage of it, enriched its vocabulary. In the paper the words, which have passed into it from Russian to Nakhchivan dialect, are investigated and it is shown that these words haven’t been included into lexical structure of language, they are used only in dialects in distorted form, corresponding to the regularities of the given dialect.


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