Türkiye’de Kürt Sorunu ve PKK Algısı: Diyarbakır Stk’lar Örneği

Kurdish Problem And Perceptions Of PKK In Turkey: NGOs In Diyarbakir

This paper is derived from the doctoral thesis entitled “The Role And Perspectives of NonGovermental Organizations in The Solutions of The Kurdish Issue: The Example of Diyarbakır.” 200 members of civil society organizations (NGOs) operating in Diyarbakir were made survey Between October 21 and November 29, 2013. 67% of participants were men, 64% were 34 years of age or older (36% aged 18 to 33 years), 75% had a bachelor’s degree, 69% had an income of 1500 TL or more and 62% were married. This study focuses on the relationship between the image of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party) as a “terrorist organization” or “guerrillas/true representatives of the Kurdish people” and socio-cultural and political deprivation. Results show that those who feel socially, culturally and politically deprived are more likely to define PKK members as “guerrillas/true representatives of the Kurdish people.” The results show that forced migration, violations of human rights in Diyarbakır Prison, restrictions on the use of native language and prohibition of education in native language cause the PKK to gain legitimacy. Moreover, There is a relationship between people’s perceptions of the PKK as a “terrorist organization” or “guerrillas/true representatives of the Kurdish people” and the perception of the reasons for terrorism. The results show that those who feel socio-culturally and politically deprived are more likely to perceive PKK members as “guerrillas/ true representatives of the Kurdish people” (over 4 on average). Those who perceive PKK members as “guerrillas/ true representatives of the Kurdish people regard socio-political reasons as the raison d'être of the PKK (below 3 on average).


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