Eğitim sürecinde kullanılan ders kitaplarının her yönü ile amaçlara ve hedef kitlenin gelişim düzeyine uygun olması gerekmektedir. Bütün disiplinlerde olduğu gibi müzik dersinde de ders kitaplarında yer alan bütün etkinliklerin ve belirlenmiş olan şarkıların, gelişim düzeyi dikkate alınarak hazırlanması öğretme ve öğrenme süreci için önemlidir. Yapılan bu çalışmada, 2017 yılında yenilenen müzik öğretim programı neticesinde değiştirilen 5. sınıf müzik dersi kitabında yer alan etkinlik şarkılarının öğrencilerin gelişim düzeylerine uygunluğu ve sözlerinde vurgulanan mesajların içeriği belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. 5. sınıf müzik dersi kitabında bulunan şarkıların ses aralığı, melodi özellikleri, dil gelişimi, bilişsel/kavramsal gelişim ve duyuşsal gelişim ile söz içerikleri tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada doküman incelemesi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim Terbiye Kurulu tarafından hazırlanan ve 2017-2018 öğretim yılında bütün ortaokullarda okutulması zorunlu olan 5. sınıf müzik ders kitabındaki 16 adet etkinlik şarkısı notaları, sözleri ile birlikte çıkarılarak, hazırlanan tema tabloları dâhilinde özellikleri belirlenmiş ve gelişim düzeyine uygunluğu incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. 1 adet şarkının notası kitapta olmadığı için 16 adet şarkı incelenmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmış, veriler o şekilde değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda toplamda 16 adet eserin 10 tanesinin Türk müziği eserleri içerisinden seçildiği ve 4 adet şarkıda da bazı prozodi hatalarının olduğu belirlenmiştir. Eserlerin ritim duygusunun geliştirilmesi açısından yeterli olduğu tespit edilmiştir. 5 adet şarkının, çocukların ses aralığını aşan bir yapıda olduğu görülmüş, eserlerde Fa(2) ve Sol(2) notalarının kullanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Şarkıların sözlerinde genel olarak dostluk, sevgi, birlik, barış, vatan sevgisi, kahramanlık, çalışmak, acı, keder, Atatürk sevgisi, öğretmen konuları işlenmiştir. Ayrıca Türkü formunda yazılmış olan eserlerde sib2 perdesinin parça içerisinde natürel işareti ile değiştirildiği belirlenmiştir


Textbooks used in the training process is required is appropriate to the level of development and to purposes in all directions of target group. As in all disciplines needs to be prepared considering the level of development of all activities and specified songs in the textbooks in music class. In this work tried to be determined the contents of messages emphasized in the words and compliance with developmental levels of students, of event songs in book music lesson5th grade changed music teaching program renewed in 2017. It was studied to detect promise content with affective development, language development, cognitive / conceptual development and voice range, melody properties of songs music lesson 5th grade. In the study method is used document review descriptive content analysis. The notes were removed with their lyrics16 event songs5th grade music course book that compulsory in all middle schools prepared and in the 2017-2018 school year by the Council of Education and Morality, Ministry of Education and has been tried to be examined specified and the level of development within the prepared theme tables. 16 songs was investigated for not in the book the note of a song. In the analysis of the obtained data was evaluated using content analysis. End of study has been identified selected from Turkish music of 10 from 16 works in total, prosody is not a fault in 4 songs but 10 songs low number, in 2 pieces highly prosodic fault. The works is enough in terms of the development of rhythm sensation. 5 songs is a structure that exceeds children's voice range and it has been identified the notes are used F2 and G2 in works. In the words of the songs generally have been processed heroism, work, pain, grief, Atatürk's love, teacher love, unity, peace, homeland love, friendship. Also it has been changed Bb2(segah) note with a natural B sign in track in works written in traditional songs(türkü) formThe educational process that shaped human life form the whole of learning activities compulsory making society an individual decorating with the necessary behavior by deciding how it should be individuals. The person who started to grow up in the womb have started learning experiences in parallel with the growth. No longer creates new action diagrams to herself like many other places personal, emotional, physical and with learning the man who sustained his development by winning new behaviors at every moment and in your life. Evolution starts from the prenatal period of and is a process that lasts until the end human life, therefore it causes to appear many methods, theories and different views along express a large time frame. Many scientists engaged in studies upon development are concentrated more on explanation developmental changes. Of course it describes the nature of development this work area fundamentalist in itself. When the nature of development is examined have become terminology words like growth, maturation, readiness, critical period, learning, repetition owned to this area(Külahoğlu, 2003: 29). On human development role decisive inheritance and environment. The result of research showed is not the only element active inheritance and environment. Researchers mentioned is a very important effect on development both the heritage and the environment but scientists declared different opinions more dominant which of these(Külahoğlu, 2003: 29). Human behaviours identified as a result make bodily in relation to growth and development. Of course this spiritual structure with these behaviors inseparable unimaginable from the body(Binbaşıoğlu, 1975: 42). As a result of physical and mental learning shaped behaviors directs the human in many more vital areas such as where he / she wants to be, occupation, personality traits in him life. Among these areas has artistic important activities serving to their affective gains of him. Every field of art is precious for the individual. Music is a discipline serving affective goals like other art spaces too. It is expanding the point of view of the people shaping feelings, thoughts and feelings. Music education has many benefits. These is specific acquisitions in cognitive, emotional and motoric domains depending on the activities in the course. Events prepared for use during training is beneficial to developmental dimensions. Of course while they are preparing are considered level of development and individual differences the individual. The activities carried out in music lessons should take into account individual differences beside the level of development in performing goals and achievements belonging to the program. There are also activities sound training and sound development of the individual as if it were gains appealing to many areas of development in the curriculum music lesson. There are songs hosting features of music culture national and international among these activities are prepared for voice training. Individuals' voice development biologically shaped by age ranges. Before are singular girls and boys voice and they inexpressible neither alto, nor tenor nor soprano. Everything will sit until 8 years old. The only is voice and vocal cords thing will improve. 9 years old is soprano feature voice all children's. Your voice can use within the boundaries at the time of spouse to adults. In adolescence return and changes suddenly sound. Everything differ suddenly. The sound change in addition body structure, breath, feelings too. At one year turns into male and female voice. The voice thickens full octave in men half octave in the girls. The reason of this is completed layers grow laryngeal cartilaginous muscles and of voice cords with the effect of testosterone, estrogen. Along with that is seen increase at breastfeeding from the lung(Kocak, 2017: 3). Song teaching in teaching music needs to be prepared as appropriate of songs in source books to the level of development of targeted the students in all directions Purpose of Research In this work tried to be determined the contents of messages emphasized in the words and compliance with developmental levels of students, of event songs in book music lesson5th grade changed music teaching program renewed in 2017. Method Research Design In the study method is used document review descriptive content analysis. Universe and Sampling The universe of this research form.must have songs in textbooks taught in music teaching in the 5th grade middle schools in Turkey. The sample is of the research 16 songs taken from a music course book at the 5th grade level in 2017-2018 academic year. Findings In this study has been identified be appropriate to the level of development of grade 5 students in terms of suitability of sound range the 16 songs examined. But 5 songs has been identified exceeds of sound range of children. As a result was not found prosodic fault4 songs 5th grade songs in music class but it has prosodic fault highly at 2 of them, small amount at 10 songs. Results and Discussion 16 songs was investigated for not in the book the note of a song. In the analysis of the obtained data was evaluated using content analysis. End of study has been identified selected from Turkish music of 10 from 16 works in total, prosody is not a fault in 4 songs but 10 songs low number, in 2 pieces highly prosodic fault. The works is enough in terms of the development of rhythm sensation. 5 songs is a structure that exceeds children's voice range and it has been identified the notes are used F(2) and G(2) in works. In the words of the songs generally have been processed heroism, work, pain, grief, Atatürk's love, teacher love, unity, peace, homeland love, friendship. Also it has been changed Bb2(segah) note with a natural B sign in track in works written in traditional songs(türkü) form


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