Medya, tarihin birçok döneminde siyasal iktidarlar tarafından önemli bir güç kaynağı olarak kullanılmıştır. Ülkelerin ürettikleri birçok politikada doğrudan rol oynayan medya kuruluşları, çoğu zaman diğer ülkeler tarafından bir tehdit olarak görülmüş ve bunun sonucunda çeşitli yaptırımlar uygulanır hale gelmiştir. Başta Suudi Arabistan, Mısır, Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri ve Bahreyn olmak üzere birçok Arap Birliği ülkesinin geçtiğimiz Haziran ayında Katar'a yönelik uyguladıkları ambargo kararlarında Katar merkezli El Cezire kanalının kapatılmasına yönelik alınan karar da büyük dikkat çekmiştir. Bu çalışmada Suudi Arabistan, Mısır ve Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri'nin başı çektiği Arap Birliği ülkelerinin Katar tarafından finanse edilen ve yayıncılık alanında objektif başarısıyla bilinen El Cezire medya grubunun kapatılmasını isteme talepleri ele alınmaktadır. Doküman Analizi ve İçerik Analizi yöntemi kullanılarak değerlendirilen çalışmada, El Cezire, BBC, CNN International, Deutsche Welle, Ahram Online, TRT World, Jerusalem Post,,Tehran Times ve Al Arabia örnekleri "Kapatılma Kararını Eleştiren Metinler", "Tarafsız/Bilgilendirici Metinler" kategorilerinde incelenmiştir. Bu inceleme kapsamında uluslararası medya örneklemi içerisinde yer alan bu sorunun belirlenen zaman aralığında ne kadar haber yapıldığı ve bu medya kuruluşlarının durumu nasıl değerlendirdiği ele alınmıştır. Ele alınan çalışma sonucunda Suudi Arabistan yanlısı Al Arabia ve Ahram Online'ın kapatılma kararını destekleyen, TRT World ve El Cezire'nin kapatılma kararını eleştiren, kalan diğer yayın organlarının ise tarafsız bir yayıncılık anlayışı yürüttükleri ortaya çıkmıştır


The media has been used as an important source of power by political powers in many periods of history. Media organizations that play a direct role in many policies that countries produce have often been viewed as a threat by other countries, and as a result various sanctions have become applicable. Many Arab League countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain, have taken great caution against Qatar-based El Cezire's decision to block Qatar's embargo against Qatar in June. In this study, requests for the closure of the Al Jazeera media group financed by Qatar and known for its objective success in the field of publishing are handled by Arab League countries headed by Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates. In the study evaluated by using Document Analysis and Content Analysis method; Examples of Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN International, Deutsche Welle, Ahram Online, TRT World, Jerusalem Post, Tehran Times and Al Arabia; "Texts Criticizing Closure Decision", "Texts Supporting Closure Decision" and "Neutral / Informative Texts". The scope of this review covers the issue of how this news, which is included in the sample of international media, is made in the specified time period and how these media institutions evaluate the situation. At the end of the study; Supporting the decision to close the pro-Saudi Arabian Al Arabia and Ahram Online; Criticizing the decision to close TRT World and Al Jazeera; while the other remaining organs have implemented a neutral understanding of publishing Throughout the history of the world, many governments have resorted to different ways to retain the concepts of power. All the technological developments that have taken place since the first ages have enabled a number of changes in the ways of keeping the power in their hands. Especially with the presence of the printing house, the increasing literacy rate has brought about many developments, which are news reports of the Industrial Revolution at the same time as preparing societies for renaissance and reformation. Increasing information development with the help of steam and electricity has made the importance of media tools even more prominent. This power, which the rulings have, has also led to the development of a number of materials to keep the administration. Indeed, the media has become one of the most important weapons used in this context. Especially when we look at today's political developments, this power that the media has acquired has carried it to the fourth power after legislation, execution and judiciary. Many political developments in the world have produced different results in different geographies throughout the ages. These include the embargo recently imposed by the Arab League on Qatar and a series of further decisions taken. The embargo imposed on Qatar by many Arab countries, especially Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates, is based on Qatar's business alliance with Iran and helping some terrorist organizations. But there are many different political developments in the background of the incident. As a matter of fact, one of the most prominent elements in the 13-point decision of the Arab League countries is the closure of Qatar-based Al Jazeera channel The purpose of working in this context is; To elicit the reactions of international media representatives to this decision against the decision of the closure of Al Jazeera and to reveal how the media representatives of the countries watching the anti-Arab and near-united countries are inclined to this issue. Questions on working in this framework; Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN International, Deutsche Welle, Ahram Online, TRT World, Jerusalem Post, Tehran Times and Al Arabia. The media reported that the news of the 13-point embargo date of the Arab League to Qatar on June 23, 2017 and the Arab League countries on July 14, 2017, when they stepped back on the closure of Al Jazeera, "criticizes the decision to close ? "," How many of the news stories are supporting the decision to close down? " and "How many of the news stories are objective / informative about the decision to close down?". In this article, which is made in the scope of the mentioned subject, the concepts of hegemony, oppression, censorship and power are given. In the study, firstly the concepts of power and power are examined and their historical developments are mentioned. Afterwards, the concepts of hegemony and propaganda, especially with Gramsci, were examined and evaluated on the axis of power and media. The main reason why these topics are included in the study is to look at the past of media-power concepts and to determine what kind of relationship the authorities have with the media as a result of international pressure. Content analysis method was used as the method of study. In this context, the above-mentioned questions have been applied to the news of Al Jazeera, BBC, CNN International, Deutsche Welle, Ahram Online, TRT World, Jerusalem Post, Tehran Times and Al Arabia. As a result of the obtained data, it is seen that Saudi Arabia-based Al Arabia and Egyptbased Ahram Online reported an intense propaganda for the closure of Al Jazeera. Qatar-based Al Jazeera has been criticized for its decision to close down from TRT World. The end result is that other media outlets have chosen a more neutral and informative news flow. The power that governments gain from using media is often in line with politics in their world politics. As a matter of fact, the absolute power obtained in the countries where the monarchy governments are, is strong in the media as well as in many points of management. This power has often played a decisive role in determining the policies of the countries, as well as their relations with other countries. In this study, it appears that the result is similar to the words mentioned above. Saudi Arabia, head of the embargo against Arabs of Qatar, and media representatives of Egypt, are also reflected in the media of repressive policies they have imposed against Al Jazeera. Ahram Online and Al Arabia are often accused of al-Jazeera, and the fact that it would be a correct decision to close is a similar line to the country's policy. On the other hand, Al Jazeera has frequently included concepts such as freedom of the press and human rights in news reports after the decision to close down. In his news, Al Jazeera has often been involved in an agenda against the decision to shut down in the context of media freedom news of many country representatives. In addition to supportive and dissident policies, a group has shown an impartial approach in their news. Particularly in the news of this group, headed by the media of Europe and America, it is content to convey the developments that have been experienced using an impartial language. This approach is also similar to the politics of the countries. As a result, similar policies are emerging in the country's media representatives' countries. This approach is influenced by the pressure and authoritarian attitudes they have to the media in the country they are dealing with.


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