Karst topografyasının çeşitlilik ve yayılış bakımından zengin olmasının yanında, kullanım bakımından da zenginlik arz etmektedir. Karstik şekiller tarihin hemen hemen her döneminde kültürel olarak insanlar tarafından farklı amaçlarla kullanılmıştır. Bu şekillerden mağaralar, dolinler, obruklar, subatanlar, lapyalar vb. çoğunlukla: barınma, mabet, sığınma yeri, hayvan barınağı, depo (silo), sulama vb. olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Orta Toroslarda (Bolkar Dağları Kısmında) derinliği fazla, ağız kısmı dar ve genellikle taban kısmında kar bulunan şekillere "Orbuk" adı verilmektedir. Orbuk; Mersin, Tarsus, Silifke ve kısmen de Adana yöresinde özellikle Orta Toroslar içerisinde yer alan Bolkar Dağları'nda Yörükler tarafından kullanılan bir terimdir. Ses olarak "Obruk" kelimesini çağrıştırmakla beraber kullanım ve oluşum olarak oldukça farklı bir özelliğe sahiptir. Orbuk; yaylacıların hayvanlardan elde ettikleri peynir yağ ve çökelek gibi hayvansal ürünlerin bozulmaktan korunmak amacıyla depolandığı yer manasında kullanılmaktadır. Bu bir mağara, düden (subatan, suyutan), obruk, çökme dolini gibi karstik bir şekil olduğu gibi, bazen de insan eli ile açılmış bir kuyu, içerisi genişletilmiş bir kovuk veya ağız kısmı örülerek kapatılmış bir tabaka aralığı da olabilmektedir. Burada ön plana çıkan özellik şekil değil, ürünlerin depolandığı "doğal soğuk hava deposu" özelliği göstermesidir. Temmuz-Ağustos ayında dış alanda sıcaklığın 2025 ºC olduğu zamanlar da orbuğun içerisinde sıcaklık -1 ile 4,5 ºC arasında değişmektedir. Bu çalışma Bolkar Dağları üzerinde yer alan orbukları tanıtmakta ve sınıflandırmaktadır. Yaylacıların bu orbukların birçoğunu aktif olarak kullanmaları oldukça ilgi çekicidir. Orbuklar yaylacıların ürünlerini depoladığı yer olmaları nedeniyle yerlerini tanımadıkları kimselere söylememektedirler. Bu nedenle sahadaki tüm orbuklar gösterilememiştir. Bu çalışmada oluşum itibari ile farklı olan orbuklar örneklem olarak ele alınmıştır


Karstik Landforms have been used differently by the time human being at the historic of each quarter. These shapes which are enclosed tree edge have been used for very long times; house, sanctuary, store etc. Nowadays, these more depth and outlet part limited shapes have been used differently; in terms of named “Orbuk”. Orbuk word which is used in the Mersin Province; Tarsus, Silifke and Partly Adana Regions on the Bolkar Mountains is especially used by nomadic people. Although meaning of Orbuk is reminiscent of “Obruk”, it has very different features of using and constitution. Orbuk word is known all of region people whom they have sustained both transhumance activities in the past-now and settled people. Orbuk is a location which has used to protect and accumulated productions of animal origin which is like cheese, animal fat and curd from hot weather conditions. Orbuk is that may be karstic landforms like as cave, sinkhole, collapse doline or manmade hellhole in the ofiolitic rocks. The feature that comes to the foreground here is not the shape but the "natural cold storage" feature of the products. When the hot is 20-25ºC from the outside, it has approximately 1 – 5 ºC hot. In this study purpose aims that to introduce both meaning and distribution of Orbuks on the Bolkar Mountains. Orbuks are interesting in terms of using actually. These areas are not said about orbuks, because there is a lot of production of animal origin. Because of this, all of orbuk is not disclosed on the map. In this study, some orbuks have been discussed to introduce. After the study, orbuks were classified and six kind of orbuks have been identified in the Bolkar Mountains Orbuk; In Bolkar Mountains, it is the name given to the place where the locals keep products such as milk, cheese, butter and sediment from the animal products they produce in summer. In other words, it can be defined as the natural "Cold Air Store" or "Ice house" places in these areas. The word orbuk is often confused with the word “Obruk”. The Obruks (jamas, avens) are also used as orbuk in this region. Orbuk is a functional term (or using). The orbuks are common places of transhumances (nomadic people) in the Bolkar Mountains. In addition to this, they are also used the snow inside to serve guests from the bowls. These areas are the most natural places where snow is protected from melting, and they mostly correspond to karstic shapes. The orbuks are almost all karstic landforms. These are mostly: collapsing sinkhole (doline), melting sinkhole (doline), obruk (jame), landform, cave, natural depressions. Besides these natural formations, there are also small depressions which can be covered by people's own hands (manmade). In this study, trip – observation method is used. In the duration of field trip questioner was done with nomadic people. Maps are composed with ArcMAP 10.2.2 packet program. Various measurements were made with laser meter and thermometer in the Orbuks. Field trips were performed by together nomadic people which live in this plateau. Findings Orbuk is a new word in the geography in terms of land use. It is used in the Mersin and Near Surroundings. Kind of Orbuks in terms of nascence, there are six styles Orbuks. Collapsed Doline (Sinkhole) Orbuks: The slopes of these orbuks are quite steep and the base is relatively wide. It is a structure that prevents sun rays from reaching the lower part. For this reason, collapses are the most commonly used orbuks. Solution Doline Orbuks: Dissolution Dolines are usually formed in horizontal or near-horizon limestone layers, sometimes in folded formations, in the slightly advanced stage of karstification during the youth phase, as a result of extensions of vertical or convex cracks. Because of the lack of solar rays on the bottom of the steep slope Dolines, these narrow space solution dolines are used as orbuk. On the other hand, these orbuks are not used more commanly than collapsed dolines. Sinkhol Orbuks: Sinkhol is a karstic landform found on the bottom or edge of a closed basin or pit, such as doline, uvala and polje, which drains the waters in the ground. It is also the connection point of the underground windows, surface and underground drainage of underground voids. Mostly in semi-arid areas these areas are quite cool enclosed areas during periods when surface flow is interrupted. Many of the dialects, which have a very narrow entrance, are used as the mouth part of the mouth. Such orbuks are called "bottomless" if they are very depth. Sinkhole Orbuks are preferred to use as orbuks. Open Pit (Jama, Aven) Orbuks; One of the very characteristic landforms of the Karst topography is the pit which shows a chimney or well view. Jama, aven in terms of this feature explained karstik cavities in our country is called obruk. Orbuks are similar to a collapsed doline and are usually connected to a large underground cave system, like them. These shapes are used orbuks in the Bolkar Mountains. Inside of these are very cold. Some of them have Ice inside of these orbuks. There are a lot of these orbuks on the Bolkar Mountains. Cave Orbuks; Caves are the most important karstic landforms that are used and evaluated most in human landforms in karstic formations. In many places their entrance is rather narrow and the interior is too large to compare, causing a different cave atmosphere inside the caves. With this aspect, caves vary in terms of health tourism as well as other usage activities. Generally, caves with cold or mild weather conditions are used as orbuk. Some rock bushes or the fronts of the pines are used by the people as a result of wall constructions narrowing the result further. There are numerous cave orbuks on the Bolkar Mountains. Even when there was no electricity, there were one or two orbuks even in permanent settlements. Alaiye Orbuk is a sample of hundreds Orbuks in the study area. Manmade Orbuks: In Bolkar Mountains, there are also orbuks they have done with their own hands (manmade). It is often very difficult to descend and descend into some of the orbuks that are far from the springs. In some springs there is no orbuk in the desired coldness and width. The nomads who have found a solution to this problem are able to construct orbuks belonging to a single family near the houses. Generally, they have been constructed inside the ophiolites, clays, sandstones or limestone rocks. There are more than 100 on the Dümbelek Plateau. Every livestock has almost one or two sometimes three orbuks. But, all orbuks are not used actively nowadays. Conclusion Orbuk which is used in the Mersin Province and Near Surroundings in the Mediterranean Region is land use word. Generally, karstic landforms are used as Orbuk. Karstic landforms are used very various from past to present. Some of them are house, barn, temple, store, etc. There are six kinds of Orbuks. They are Collapsed-Solution Dolines, Sinkhol, Open pit, Cave and Manmade Orbuks. Very deep Orbuks are named “Bottomless”. Collapsed, Jame and Cave orbuks are more used than other kind of orbuks. There are more than 100 orbuks on the Dümbelek Plateau on the Bolkar Mountain. But, all orbuks does not use actively nowadays. Because transportation facilities and electric facilities have evolved, animal products are delivered fastly from platues to cities. So Orbuks have used less in nowadays than past. In our country, the areas with this quality are not mentioned with the same names, even though they exist in many places. Elazığ Buzluk Cave, Dibek Mountains Snow Wells, Aladağlar in Inland Snow is a few of them. Today, Orbuks are much less used due to the facilitation of transportation facilities. As the number of plateau decreases day by day, there is also a decrease in the number of orbuks using actively. landforms, Orbuk, Using of Orbuks, Nomadic People
