Sevinç Çokum, hikayelerini Türk Edebiyatında modern hayatın meselelerinin yoğun bir şekilde işlendiği dönemde kaleme almaya başlamıştır. Çokum, hikayelerinde pek çok insanî meseleyi duyarlılıkla işlemiştir. İnsanlığın başlangıcından itibaren var olan yalnızlık ise, geçmiş dönemlerde edebiyatın bir meselesi olarak yer alsa da modern dönemde insan hayatının merkezine yerleşmesinden dolayı öne çıkan temel birkaç meseleden biri olmuştur. Bu bağlamda ele aldığımız yalnızlık, Çokum'un hikayelerine üç temel noktada yansımıştır. Modern hayatın getirdiği kentleşme, bireyselleşme, göç gibi çeşitli olguların insan hayatını etkilemesi ve bireyi yalnızlaştırması onun hikayelerinde vurguladığı noktalardan biridir. Yalnızlık, bu hikayelerde modern hayat neticesinde ortaya çıkan olgular nedeniyle mekan değiştiren, varoluşsal sorulara cevap veremeyen veya yeni durumuna uyum sağlayamayan bireylerin yaşadıkları bir hal olarak ortaya konulur. Sevinç Çokum, metafizik bir yaklaşımla ele aldığı hikayelerinde ise yalnızlığı bireyi olgunlaştıran ve onu içsel anlamda zenginleştiren iyi bir hal olarak ele alır. Bu tür hikayelerde kimi zaman bireysel gelişimi tamamlayan bir olgu olarak yer alırken bazı durumlarda ise kişiyi ermişlik mertebesine çıkaran bir hal olarak kurgulanır Çokum'un hikayelerinde üçüncü hal olarak ise eşya ve yalnızlık ilişkisi işlenir. Eşyanın ancak insanla birlikte değer kazanmasına vurgu yapılan bu hikayelerde varlığa metafizik bir boyutta bakış söz konusudur. Çokum, hayatı, değişimi, bireyin iç dünyasına yansıyanları eşyanın yalnız hali üzerinden kurgular. Çokum'un hikayelerinde temel meselelerden biri olarak karşımıza çıkan yalnızlık, çok yönlü olarak kurgulanmakta ve yazarın edebî şahsiyetinin temel özelliklerinden biri olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Çalışmada Çokum'un metinleri söz konusu çerçevede incelenecektir.


Sevinç Çokum has begun writing her short stories in the period when the issues of modern life have been intensively reflected in the Turkish literature. In her short stories, she tackles humanitarian issues with high sensitivity. Solitude has existed since the beginning of humanity and has been a matter of literature in the past. In the modern period, however, it has settled in the center of human life, and thereby, has been one of the few fundamental issues of humanity. In this context the issue of solitude is dealt with as reflected in three basic points in Çokum’s stories. Various phenomena brought by modern life such as urbanization, individualization, and migration, and their influence on individual human life is one of the points emphasized in her stories. In the short stories, solitude emerges as a state of individuals, who are trying to overcomes the challenges of modern life. Individuals who change their locations, are unable to answer the existential questions put forth, and who can not adapt to the new situations. Sevinç Çokum takes a metaphysical approach in dealing with the solitude of an individual, and views it as a state which matures and enriches the soul of the individual. Solitude manifests as completed individual development in these stories, while in some cases, as a phenomenon which leads to saitliness. As a third state, the relationship between commodity and solitude is tackled in Çokum’s stories. Stories take a metaphysical dimension which emphasizes the view that commodity gains value with the presence of individuals. Çokum depicts the life, changes, and reflections of an individual's inner world through solitude of commodities. Solitude emerges as the main issue and is tackled multidirectionally in Çokum’s stories. It stands out as one of the main features of the author's literary figures. Çokum’s stories are nalayzed in this framework in the present study. STRUCTURED ABSTRACT Sevinç Çokum has begun writing her short stories in the period when the issues of modern life have been intensively reflected in the Turkish literature. In her short stories, she tackles humanitarian issues with high sensitivity. Solitude has existed since the beginning of humanity and has been a matter of literature in the past. In the modern period, however, it has settled in the center of human life, and thereby, has been one of the few fundamental issues of humanity. Sevinç Çokum, in her first short stories, tackles different situations within which individual exists with a plain language. One of them is isolated individual in the suffocating atmosphere of the urban life. Individual wants to escape from noise, order and responsibilities within daily humdrum of life. According to Sevinç Çokum, as she highlights in most of her short stories, the thing which makes life liveable is to be able to share it with others. In this case, being alone is most likely problem to be encountered in especially urban life. Because, modern individual is alienated when he/she becomes self-enclosed and moves away from the nature and other people. Individual who establishes relationship with the environment and raises sensitivity at highest level will able to get rid of solitude. As Çokum highlights in her short stories, basic existential questions are now replaced with another questions brought by modernity. Such questions like "What should I do?", "How should I do?", "What type of individual should I do?" are questions which are are needed to be answered by daily social behavior and of central importance to modern life. Individual who do not search for solution of these problems within daily life can recognize the situation when he/she encounters one these realities. One of these worrying situations recognized is solitude of individual. But not to stay alone in modern life is not enough not to be alone. In Çokum's short stories, individual who remains alone in the crowd wants to wants to stay alone although it will deepen the solitude. This is the dilemma of the individual which is a paradox. Sevinç Çokum tackles the solutude in terms of migration. After 1950, there have been migration to major cities in the country or to Germany. Çokum tackles the migration with its two dimensions: immigrants and stragglers. She feature the solitude of both sides. Because, migration is departure from point to be belonged and place where social identity is acquired. Çokum focuses on the migration in this context. In Sevinç Çokum's short stories, the solitudes of women who were divorced from their husbands for different reasons and their reactions to these solitudes are concerned. Çokum emphasizes that the solitude and the problems it brings disappears as soon as individual finds a familiar face by featuring human relationships in traditional societies. "Community type" lifestyle of the traditional life which are seen in her first term texts provide strong individual relationships and an individual left this relationship network can not be happy in a new environment. A person belongs to his/her older environment makes him/her happy. In this regard, homesickness and solitude as a whole become a pain alleviating with a familiar person. Çokum tackles place of women in social life in the most of her short stories. While she makes more strict critics on the role of women given by modern life in her latest short stories, these critics are not too strict in her first short stories. Women who has to live her solitude at home suffers more on the streets from it. Sevinç Çokum mentions the solitude of the women who have to live alone due to death of her husband and divorce and the role society gives them. A women without "a man" as a figure who is not trusted by society and who suffers more from her follow is featured. In these cases, Çokum critisizes adoption of male-dominated view by even women. Exposed to this view, women is deprived of the possibility of her own existence. Another solitude encountered in modern urban life stem from ideological opinion differences. Turkish society experienced a period with a full of people excluded by their families and the environment because they believe in a different ideology. In the short story named "Deep wound" which narrates the destruction of individual's world formed by the social unrest in the 1970's, mood of the story's hero is pointed out. The city is a cause for concern of the individual and makes him/her live in fear of being left alone at any moment. Çokum puts forward a very critical attitude towards the modern city. Sevinç Çokum's old heroes who are alone because he/she wants, prefer solitude and untouched by crisis state of modern life and live at peace with aging are also available. As a third state, the relationship between commodity and solitude is tackled in Çokum’s stories. Stories take a metaphysical dimension which emphasizes the view that commodity gains value with the presence of individuals. Çokum depicts the life, changes, and reflections of an individual's inner world through solitude of commodities. Solitude emerges as the main issue and is tackled multidirectionally in Çokum’s stories. It stands out as one of the main features of the author's literary figures. Çokum’s stories are nalayzed in this framework in the present study.


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