Siyasî partilerin bütünlüğünü sağlayan ve parlamenter sistem bakımından hayatî bir öneme sahip olan parti disiplini, siyasî rejimlerin işleyişi üzerinde son derece etkili bir kavramdır. Siyasî partiler, yapılarına ve işlevlerine göre tasnif edilebildikleri gibi disiplin açısından da tasnif edilmekte ve disiplinli partilerde partinin bütünlüğünü bozan davranışlar genellikle cezalandırılmaktadır. Siyasî partilerin meclis gruplarında alınan kararlara partili tüm milletvekillerinin uyması ve alınan karar doğrultusunda doğrultusunda hareket etmeyen ve oy kullanmayan milletvekilleri partiden ihraç yaptırımı da dâhil olmak üzere birçok yaptırımla karşılaşabilmektedirler. Bununla birlikte siyasî partilerin disiplin uygulamaları kimi zaman amacından sapmakta ve parti yönetimine muhalif isimlerin saf dışı edilmesi amacına uygun olarak kullanılmaktadır. uyguladıkları politikaları eleştiren ve parti yönetimlerine muhalefet bayrağını açan isimler parti disiplinine aykırı davrandıkları ve partinin birliğini bozukları gerekçesiyle disiplin kurullarına sevk edilmektedirler. Disiplin kurullarına sevk edilen muhalif isimler genellikle kesin ihraç yaptırımı ile cezalandırılmaktadırlar. Parti içi muhalefetin sindirilmesine ilişkin örnekler dün olduğu gibi bugün de gündemde kendilerine yer bulmaya devam etmektedir. Siyasî partilerin içerisinde oluşan muhalif seslere yaklaşım bakımdan Millî Görüş partileri farklı uygulamalar ortaya koymuştur. Bu çalışmada Millî Görüş partilerinden üçünde yaşanan muhalif hareketlenmeye karşı nasıl tepki verildiği sorusuna Siyasî Partiler Kanunu ve parti tüzükleri çerçevesinde cevap aranacaktır. Çalışma kapsamında 1977 yılında yapılan Millî Selamet Partisi Kongresinde ikinci listenin çıkarılması, Fazilet Partisi döneminde açığa çıkan Gelenekçiler-Yenilikçiler ayrımı, Saadet Partisi'nin 2010 yılındaki kongresinde yaşanan beyaz liste-yeşil liste ve 2014 yılındaki kongrede yaşanan iki farklı ismin genel başkanlığa aday olması örnekleri incelenecektir


Party discipline is majorly an effective term on the functioning of political regimes. The term is to provide unity of political parties and has vital importance in respect to the parliamentary system. Political parties are classified with regard to discipline as well as they can be classified according to their structures and functions. All members of parliament of a party have to accord with their decisions of parliamentary groups. They also must vote in accordance with these decisions. If a member of parliament doesn’t vote in line with decisions of the parliamentary group, this MP can be punished with many sanctions including exportation from a party. But sometimes disciplinary implementations of parties deviate from the aim and are used for the purpose of party rule of eliminating opponent names. In Turkish politics, the criticizing the policies applied by the headquarters of the parties opening the opposition flag to the party administrations are contrary to the party discipline and they are referred to the disciplinary committees on the grounds that the unity of the party is defective. The dispatched to discipline committee opponent names generally are punished with certain export sanction. In Turkey, the examples about strong-arm of intra-party opposition movement are quite excessive both yesterday and today. Millî Görüş (Islamic View) Movement has a different approach as to opponent voice in their parties. In this article, the answer will be searched how to respond to the question to opponent movements in three parties of Millî Görüş (Islamic View) Movement as part of Turkish Political Parties Law and the parties constitution. Within this article, two-lists Islamic Salvation Party (Milli Selamet Partisi) Congress in 1977, traditionalists distinguish between reformists in Virtue Party (Fazilet Partisi), the white list-green list example in Felicity Party (Saadet Partisi) Congress in 2010 and two different candidates to chairman Congress in 2014 will be analyzed.The provision of the integrity of a political party has a vital importance in the parliamentary system. The term of party discipline plays an important role in the provision of integrity within the political party. In the parliamentary system, the discipline of a political party increases the effectiveness of the party. The party discipline means the power of sanction on members of party from party rule. The term appears in various forms. The Turkish law-maker indicates disciplinary punishments in Political Parties Law. The disciplinary punishments are the warning penalty, reprimand, certain export sanction and temporary export sanction. The circumstances under which this disciplinary punishment will be enforced are left to party statutes by the Political Parties Law. It is frequently met in Turkey to certain export sanction to the party administration of opponent names. This situation disrupts bring into an action of intra-party democracy. The opponent names are exposed from their parties by party administration in most of the parties. This situation also applies in terms of Turkish political life. But the opponent names are not exposed by party administration in the Millî Görüş (Islamic View) parties. Thus party disciplinary implementations in Millî Görüş (Islamic View) parties will be focused on this article. In Islamic Salvation Party (Millî Selamet Partisi), the intra-party opposition movement has prepared the alternative list for General Administrative Board and has offered to the 2nd convention of Islamic Salvation Party. The list of the intra-party opposition movement has lost the election of the General Administrative Board. A similar situation has also occurred following party convention. In the 3rd convention of the Islamic Salvation Party, the intra-party opposition movement has also offered the alternative list for General Administrative Board, but it has also lost the election. After the convention, some of the opponent names, for example, Ahmet Tevfik Paksu who is the minister of labor and member of the General Administrative Board, resigned from assignments. Also, the opponent names cumbrously have accused Necmeddin Erbakan, who is the Chairman of Islamic Salvation Party. But the Chairman Erbakan and his administrative have not operated discipline mechanism against the opponents members. Even these opponents members have founded a new party, Nizam Partisi, but have not resigned from Islamic Salvation Party. The opponents members have asked to be a candidate from the list of Islamic Salvation Party. The Chairman and party administrative have not applied to any party disciplinary implementation to opponents members. The reason why the Islamic Salvation Party does not apply party disciplinary implementation: Islamic Salvation Party claims to be an organizational structure in which Islamic demands are expressed. The approach to the opponent members of parliament of Islamic Salvation Party has occurred as a result of brotherhood and unity think, which are that based on Islam. The existence of these and similar examples in the Millî Görüş (Islamic View) parties have a great proposition in terms of disciplinary practices. After the military coup on 12 September 1980, Islamic Salvation Party was closed by military administration. Thereupon Welfare Party (Refah Partisi) was founded as the third party of Millî Görüş (Islamic View) in 1983. The Welfare Party was the first party and won nearly one-third of the seats of Turkish parliament in 1995 elections. The Welfare Party founded a coalition government and The Welfare Party’s Chairman Necmeddin Erbakan was a prime minister in 1996. But the life of this coalition government was short because the government was forced out of power by the Turkish military in 1997. The Welfare Party was closed by the Constitutional Court of Turkey. Also the Welfare Party’s Chairman Necmeddin Erbakan was banned from politics. Thereupon Virtue Party (Fazilet Partisi) was founded as the fourth party of Millî Görüş (Islamic View) in 1998. The Founders Committee of the party was chosen Mehmet Recai Kutan, who is the former minister of energy. In the 1st convention of Virtue Party, the former state minister Abdullah Gül was to be a candidate to the chairman of the Virtue Party, but Recai Kutan was chosen as the chairman. The Chairman Recai Kutan and his administrative has not operated discipline mechanism against Abdullah Gül and the members of parliament moving with him. Even some of the opponent names continued to serve as deputy chairman of the group. Then the Virtue Party was closed by the Constitutional Court of Turkey. Thereupon Recai Kutan and his friends, called traditionalists, founded Felicity Party (Saadet Partisi) on 20 July 2001. Abdullah Gül and his friends, called innovators, founded Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi). Recai Kutan continued as the chairman in the Felicity Party, then he handed over the baton Numan Kurtulmuş in 2008. In 2010, the 4th convention of Felicity Party gathered, but the Chairman Numan Kurtulmuş conflicted the leader of Millî Görüş (Islamic View) Erbakan about the list for General Administrative Board in this convention. Numan Kurtulmuş chosen as the chairman, but most of the representative of convention demanded a new convention. Numan Kurtulmuş and his friends refused this demand. So the subject moved to court. The court decided to establish an invitation for the gathering of the convention.


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