Milli Görüş hareketi/düşüncesi 1969 tarihinde Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan'ın Bağımsızlar Hareketini başlatmasıyla birlikte başlar. Milli Nizam Partisiyle birlikte siyasi olarak teşkilatlanmaya başlayan hareket henüz yerel ve genel seçim tecrübesini yaşamadan 1970 yılında Anayasa Mahkemesi tarafından Laiklik gerekçesiyle kapatılır. Hareket daha sonra Milli Selamet Partisi olarak siyasi varlığını devam ettirir. Bu dönem milli görüş tarihi açısından siyasi, idari ve genel olarak büyük tecrübelerin yaşandığı ve bir sonraki siyasi partilerin kurulmasına öncülük etmesi açısından önemli bir dönemdir. Milli Görüş düşüncesinin yaşamış olduğu ilk yerel seçim tecrübesi 9 Aralık 1973 yılında yapılan Mahalli İdareler Seçimidir. Bu seçim Milli Görüş açısından incelendiğinde birçok ilklerin yaşandığı bir seçim olması açısından önemlidir. Aday belirleme, tanıtım çalışmaları, mitingler, seçim tecrübesi ve kazanılan belediyelerin idare edilmesi gibi birçok ilki içerisinde barındırır. Milli Selamet Partisinin girdiği bu seçimlerde 32 belediye kazanmıştır. Bu belediyelerin 3 tanesi merkez, 11 tanesi ilçe, 18 tanesi de belde belediyesidir. Partinin seçimlere girmediği il/ilçe/beldeler mevcuttur. Bu durum partinin henüz bu yerlerde teşkilatlanamadığının göstergesi olabilir. Parti, bazı seçim bölgelerinde seçimleri çok az farkla kaybetmiştir. Bu çalışma 9 Aralık 1973 yapılan Mahalli İdareler seçimlerinden hareketle, Milli Görüş'ün ilk yerel seçim tecrübesini ve kazandığı belediyeleri ve Muş, Tokat, Adıyaman Belediye Başkanları hakkında da bilgi vermektedir


National Vision movement / thought In 1969, Prof. Dr. Necmettin starts with Erbakan's initiation of the Independent Movement. The movement, which started to be organized politically with the National Nizam Partisi, was closed down by the Constitutional Court in 1970 due to the secularism before the experience of local and general election. The movement then continues its political presence as the National Salvation Party. This period is an important period in terms of the history of the national vision, in terms of political, administrative and general experiences, leading to the establishment of the next political parties. The first local election experience, in which the idea of National Vision lived, was the election of local governments on 9 December 1973. This selection is important in terms of being a choice that many firsts are experienced when examined from the perspective of National Vision. Candidate identification includes promotional activities, rallies, electoral experience and management of winning municipalities. 32 elected municipalities won the National Salvation Party. Three of these municipalities are central, 11 are districts and 18 are municipalities. There are provinces / districts / towns where the party does not enter the elections. This may be a sign that the party has not yet been organized in these places. The party lost some of the elections in some electoral districts. This study gives information about the first local election experience and the municipalities of the National Opinion and the Mayors of Muş, Tokat and Adıyaman, taking into consideration the elections of the local administrations held on 9 December 1973.The Milli Salamat Party, which was established as the continuation of Milli Görüş's thought after the closure of the National Nizam Party, is one of the most important figures of Turkish political life. The establishment of the National Nizam Party has diversified the political life in Turkey, which is a multi-party alliance with the establishment of the Democratic Party. The principles that the party put forward and the solution that it has put forward against the problems have led to the proliferation of political thought. The party is a political movement created intensely by nationalist and moralists who have emerged in the wake of a break in the right cenah. As a result of the decision that the Constitutional Court had taken, the religiously motivated discourse of the party and the staff of the staff and the solution proposal were closed because it was contrary to the principle of secularism. The National Salvation Party, which was established as a continuation of the closure of the party, has maintained the idea and ideology of the idea of Milli Görüş.MSP's first local election experience begins with the Local Elections held on 9 December 1973. It is the impression that we have made in this study that we have done without sufficient knowledge about election studies, candidate information, candidate presentations and rallies. MSP, as a newly formed political party, has nominated only 297 of the 1624 municipalities in Turkey in these elections. Only 32 municipalities have won these nominated places. Three of these municipalities are central, 11 are districts and 18 are municipalities. This situation is very successful when it is evaluated in terms of a newly established party. It is in a better position than the Democratic Party and the CGP and the MHP, which have been set apart from the Justice Party. It is not possible to break the understanding of the Justice Party which is accepted as a continuation of the Menderes line that has been formed since 1950 and the understanding of CHP which is Atatürk's Party. Candidate factors in local elections are of much higher priority than general elections. There is also a proportional difference between the number of candidates shown to the president, the provincial general assembly member and the municipal council member, according to the size of the province where only 3 deputy candidates are shown. YSK's electoral requirement to enter elections in provinces / districts / towns has caused MSP not to be elected in many electoral districts. The MSP is a popular political party, which supports the general election results, if the party has been nominated as competent, it could get more votes and win more mayors. MSP's winning of the central municipalities of Adıyaman, Muş and Tokat is also of symbolic significance in terms of political history. Except Tokat, these are the places where MSP won in the elections held later. This is an indication of your work or MSP's acceptance in these cases. The statements and other election materials that MSP has prepared for the elections are important to reveal how the National Opinion perceives local governments. As MSP was in general elections, he referred to local elections and Selçuklu took a role model as an Ottoman city. In addition, the party, the government crisis or the market due to the increasing prices of food and so on. The price control of goods such as commodities, and the adoption of transparency procedures show that the party is favored by the populace. The most important contribution of this election memorandum to the views of Milli Görüş is social municipality, transparent municipality. When political history is examined, it is positively understood that it has left the Milli Görüş in the society through the municipalities in which the main factor bearing power is won. This understanding was formed with the Declaration of Local Elections, December 9, 1973. The popular / public attitude of the MSP in the Parliament led to the party's acceptance by the society as a whole. Established CHP-MSP, I. and II. Thanks to the success of the National Frontal Governments, the heavy industry push, the 5th Five Year Development Plan and the Spiritual Development Plans, MSP increased the number of votes and mayoralty in the December 11, 1977 local elections. Political crises, deputies split partly, and so on. , The MSP has always maintained its position as a parliamentary "key" party until the September 12, 1980 military coup. Upon the closure of the MSP on the grounds of the military coup, the courts established the Refah Party, the new party of Milli Görüş. Erbakan was the founding chairman of the behind-the-scenes movement in the establishment of this new party, as it was in the MSP. The Refah Party was the party in which the main principles that MSP put forward were the intellectual traditions. As a result of this movement, the Refah Party / Milli Görüş has obtained power for the first time in his political life.


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