15 Haziran 1997 yılında İstanbul'da yapılan Devlet ve Hükümet başkanları zirvesinde D-8'in kuruluşu ilan edilmiştir. D-8 girişiminin başlatılmasındaki amaç, büyük bir ekonomik potansiyeli, çeşitli kaynakları, geniş bir nüfus ve coğrafi alanı temsil eden 8 ülke arasında ticaret ilişkilerinde yeni fırsatlar oluşturmak ve çeşitlendirmek, uluslararası düzeyde karar alma sürecine katılımı artırmak, daha iyi hayat şartları sağlamak, somut ortak projeler etrafında ekonomik işbirliğini geliştirmek ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerin dünya ekonomisindeki durumlarını güçlendirmektir. D-8'lerin hedeflerinden birisi de uluslararası ticarette ve ilişkilerde oldukça önemli olan yeni bir para birimini dolanıma sokmaktı. 1 milyar 100 milyona ulaşan genç nüfusuyla D-8'i oluşturan Türkiye, İran, Pakistan, Bangladeş, Malezya, Endonezya, Mısır ve Nijerya Dünya gayri safi milli hasılasının %5'ini, Arap dünyası ile birlikte % 8,4'ünü oluşturmaktadır. Günümüzün Dünya ve Türkiye'nin meseleleri açısından baktığımız zaman komşu ülkelerimiz ve bölgemizdeki kaos, istikrarsızlık, savaş ve ölümler; Başta ABD olmak üzere NATO üyesi ülkeler ve üye olmaya çalıştığımız Avrupa Birliği ülkeleri ile yaşanan güvensizlik, siyasi ve ticari baskıların arttığı, yatırımların engellenmeye çalışıldığı, safların yeniden belirlendiği, değiştiği bir Dünyadayız. D-8'in hayata geçirilmesi ve yürütülmesi, sadece Türkiye ve D-8 üyeleri için değil bütün dünya ve özellikle de gelişmekte olan ülkeler için 'aydınlığa' açılan kapı olacaktır. D-8'lerin 6 yıldızının sembolize ettiği adalete, diyaloga, barış ve sevgiye, insan olma eşitliğine, işbirliğine, insan hakları ve hürriyetlerine ne kadar da daha çok ihtiyacımız olduğunu daha iyi anlamaktayız. JEL: F68-N45-O53-P16-P48


The establishment of D-8 was declared in the State and Government leaders’ summit held in İstanbul on June 15, 1997. The aims of initiating the D-8 enterprise were to create and branch out new opportunities among the 8 countries representing a great economic potential, various resources, a wide population and geographical area, to increase participation in decision making at an international level, provide better life conditions, develop the economic cooperation within joint projects perceptibly and strengthen the state of developing countries in the world economy. One of the aims of D-8 was to insert the new currency, which has a rather important place in international commerce and relation, into circulation. D-8 refers to developing eight countries which are Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt and Nigeria. D-8 with their young and dynamic population of 1 billion 100 million constitute the 5,2% of the world’s gross national product and 8,4% of it with the Arab world. In terms of matters of the world and Turkey today, we are in a world where there are chaos, instability, wars and deaths in neighbouring countries and regions; insecurities experienced first with the U.S.A and NATO member countries and member countries of the European Union, which we are trying to be a member of, increasing political and commercial pressure, attempted blockings of investments, ranks are changed and re-established every day. The accomplishment of D-8 and its conduction will be a doorway to “enlightenment” not only for Turkey and D-8 countries, but also for the world and especially for the developing countries. We understand how much more we need the justice, dialogue, peace and love, equality of being a human, cooperation, human rights and freedoms symbolized by the 6 stars of D-8 more.1. Structure and objectives of D-8 The establishment of D-8 was declared in the State and Government leaders’ summit held in İstanbul on June 15, 1997. The aims of initiating the D-8 enterprise were to create and branch out new opportunities among the 8 countries representing a great economic potential, various resources, a wide population and geographical area, to increase participation in decision making at an international level, provide better life conditions, develop the economic cooperation within joint projects perceptibly and strengthen the state of developing countries in the world economy. One of the aims of D-8 was to insert the new currency, which has a rather important place in international commerce and relation, into circulation. The Lira of the New World would be collected in the New World Bank, which would be formed by drawing the reserves of the 8 countries. The power of the D-8 D-8 refers to developing 8 countries and it’s an establishment which represents the 8 founder countries. These 8 countries are Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt and Nigeria. The 6 stars existing in the flag of D-8 represent the basic objectives of D-8. These objectives are;  Peace instead of conflict,  Dialogue instead of confrontation,  Justice instead of double-standard,  Equality instead of discrimination,  Cooperation instead of exploitation,  Democracy instead of oppression. 2. Power of D-8 -While the gross national product of D-8 was a total of 690 US Dollars during the establishment, this figure is approximately 4 trillion dollars now. -While the national per capita income of the countries was 872 dollars, it is about 3500 dollars now. -D-8 with their young and dynamic population of 1 billion 100 million constitute the 5,2% of the world’s gross national product and 8,4% of it with the Arab world. -Exporting rose from 279 billion dollars in 1997 to 835 billion dollars in 2015. For the same years, importing rose from 280 billion dollars to 875 billion dollars. For D-8, the structure of young population constitutes factors of dynamism. In terms of matters of the world and Turkey today, we are in a world where there are chaos, instability, wars and deaths in neighbouring countries and regions; insecurities experienced first with the U.S.A and NATO member countries and member countries of the European Union, which Turkey is trying to be a member of, increasing political and commercial pressure, attempted blockings of investments, ranks are changed and re-established every day. 3. Current World Order According to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), more than 2000 nuclear weapons trials were conducted from 1945 to the present day In the United States, between 1945 and 1992, more than a thousand nuclear bombs were attempted. The Soviet Union (Russia) called 715 nuclear bombs before they disintegrated. France 210, the UK 45 and China conducted 45 nuclear tests. All of these countries are the permanent representatives of the United Nations Security Council and have absolute veto power. Today a third of the world is in a state of war. Hundreds of militiaguerrilla, separatist and anarchic groups are clashing in 66 countries. According to the daily research reports of international independent research organizations and related institutions, 686 different groups are fighting each other in 66 countries around the world. In Africa, 28 different countries, militias, guerrillas, separatist groups and anarchic groups, consisting of 201 different groups have been fighting for years. There are wars between 155 different groups in 16 Asian countries. Afghanistan is at the forefront of these wars. For nearly 40 years, the Russian (USSR) continues to engage in the civil war that has been dragged after the occupation. Myanmar (Burma) a country where 39 different groups are fighting, even though they have come to the agenda with Arakanese Muslims. Pakistan and the Philippines are on the agenda again with internal conflicts. Thailand is notable for its attacks on Patanian Muslims. There are civil war and conflict between 75 different groups in 9 countries in Europe. Chechnya and Dagestan are agitated by civil wars for years after the independence wars against Russia. In Ukraine, however, groups that declared their independence continue to attack government forces. It is one of the first places in the Middle East that came to mind with hundred year old wars. So far in the Syrian war, according to official records, 490 thousand people lost their lives. 12 million Syrians have fallen as refugees. Currently, 6 countries in Syria are actually clashing with 98 different groups. Seven other countries outside the Syrian Middle East are among the warmer regions. The number of the clashing group is 228. The most intense countries are Iraq, Israel-Palestine, Yemen and Turkey. Chile, Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru are fighting against drug cartels.developed countries, is 934 billion dollars in GDP in 2015 and the total population is 954.218.054. The money allocated to armaments by the 10 countries is 1.38 times that of the total of these 48 countries by 2015 (http://data.worldbank.org/). It should also be emphasized again that the first five countries that devote most money to arms are the permanent representatives of the United Nations, who are conducting nuclear weapons tests, and the members of the security council. People in the Philippines and Myanmar are exposed to massacres, exiles and very serious political and social oppression.The Palestinian people, imprisoned in the West Bank and Gaza, have been waiting for justice since 1948 4. Conclusion Today, the facts that the dominance of the powerful is increased, freedoms are limited, people are precluded from their lands and left for dead, the Mediterranean turned into a lake of death, refugees are met with inhumane treatment in the borders, people are treated as terrorists just because they are a citizen of a country (without considering religion, language, sect, colour, race) and rejected entry into the border make the accomplishments of the aim of D-8 and the aimed projects since its establishment more meaningful. Although it has been 20 years since its establishment, powers did not deactivate the D-8. The accomplishment of D-8 and its conduction will be a doorway to “enlightenment” not only for Turkey and D-8 countries, but also for the world and especially for the developing countries, just as Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan said. We understand how much more we need the justice, dialogue, peace and love, equality of being a human, cooperation, human rights and freedoms symbolized by the 6 stars of D-8 more. Therefore, 1. A ministry should be created for each D-8 member. 2. An international investment and financing risk evaluation unit should be established. 3. A base to put a common currency into effect should be quickly initiatedJEL: F68-N45-O53-P16-P48


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