Türkiye siyasi kültürünün temel bölünmelerinden birisi sağ-sol ayrımıdır. Ancak bu ayrım, çok partili hayatın ilk yıllarında ortaya çıkmış bir ayrım değildir. Özellikle 1960 sonrasında kendisini açıkça sosyalist bir parti olarak tanımlayan Türkiye İşçi Partisi'nin kurulması ve Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi içinde Ortanın Solu hareketinin başlamasıyla siyasi kültürde sağ-sol ayrımının netleşmeye başladığı dikkat çekmektedir. Necmettin Erbakan'ın 1969 yılında bağımsız aday olmasıyla başlayan Milli Görüş Hareketi, sağ-sol ayrımı açısından da değerlendirmeyi hak etmektedir. Çünkü Milli Görüş Hareketinde Milli Nizam Partisi'nin kuruluşundan itibaren sağ ve sol siyaseti temsil ettikleri iddiasındaki iki büyük partinin de tezlerini eleştiren ve yeni, alternatif bir siyaset anlayışı öne çıkmaktadır. Bir dönem, 1973 yılında Milli Selamet Partisi, kendisini "sağ" siyaset anlayışının asıl ve tek temsilcisi olduğu iddiasına sahip olarak "sağ" kavramını sahiplenme çabasında olmuştur. Buradaki vurgu da "sağ" tanımlaması üzerinden kendisini, diğer sağ ve sol diye tanımlanan partilerden ayırmak fikri üzerine kurulmuştur. Dönemin siyasi retoriği icabı daha sonra sağ-sol siyaset ayrımına çok net bir şekilde girilmediği ve "millilik" kavramı etrafında Milli Görüş'ün kendisinin müstakil bir fikir ve siyaset olduğu tezine daha güçlü vurgu yapılmıştır. Bu bildiride Türkiye siyasi tarihindeki bölünmeler ve özellikle sağ-sol ayrımı açısından Milli Görüş Hareketi değerlendirilecektir


One of the basic divisions of Turkish political culture is right-left division. But this division didn’t arise during the first years of multi-party era. Especially right-left division began to clear in political culture in 1960s, with establishing of Turkish Workers Party which was defined itself as socialist and beginning of the left of the middle movement in Republican People Party. National Opinion Movement which started with Necmettin Erbakan’s independent candidate for deputy in 1969, deserves an evaluation about that division as well. Because since establishment of National Order Party which was the first political party of that movement, it has been defined itself as new and alternative with criticism of major right and left political parties. One period in 1973, National Salvation Party owned “right” concept based on the claim that defining itself the just representative of right politics. The emphasis here was established on the idea of division from other right and left parties. Then, because of the main rhetoric of the era, they didn’t include right-left political division clearly but around the concept of “nationality it emphasized that National Opinion was an independent idea and policy thesis. In this notification, National Opinion Movement will be evaluated by divisions in political history and especially in terms of right-left Former Turkish prime minister Necmettin Erbakan and his political movement (National Opinion Movement), both have been aroused interest for many times. Erbakan became one of the main and effective figure in Turkish politics from 1960s to his death in 2011. He and his political movement were accepted as a conformist-Islamist politician and four political parties in his leadership was shut down during the Turkish political history. In 1971 National Order Party, in 1980 National Peace Party, in 1998 Welfare Party, in 2001 Virtue Party was shut down by the Constituonal Court of Turkish Republic. Main reason of closure cases was anti laicist position of the parties. Since 2001 Happines Party has been countinuing to political activities as the sole representative of the National Opinion Movement in Turkish Politics. Political parties and politicians define themselves leftist or rightist. Also it is possible to see some studies on Turkish politics which accept this division. However this division in Turkey, has some differences from usage of the terms in Europe. Multiparty system has begun in Turkey since 1946 with founding of Democrat Party in opposition Republican People Party. During 1950s neither most of political parties nor nongovermental organizations did not identify themselves refer to this division. After founding of rebublic in 1923, Integration of Republican People Party began to inegrate with bureaucracy and that fact caused one the main divisions in Turkish politics. Democrat Party’s winning the 1950 election could be interpreted as reaction of mass against to bureaucratic single party power. So it could be claimed that Republican People Party was still at the center of political division. After a decade of power Democrat Party ended by military coup in 1960. Military coup, intervention to democratic process, could be accepted as an opposite reaction of bureaucracy to folk and has an important position in Turkish political history and culture. Also 1960s diversified years of Turkish politics. In Republican People Party “left of the middle” movement had begun which was a social democrat political interpretation of young politicians. Workers Party of Turkey was founded and defined itself as a socialist party. Because of that division successor parties of Democrat Party became rihgtists. The term of “left” meaned near by communism in Turkish politics. So political parties against Republican People Party and communism adopted themselves to be “rights” easily. It is possible to say that political division based on right and left is an artificial division in Turkish political history and culture. One of the main characters of Turkish politics is reactionary style of political culture. Necmettin Erbakan became a famous figure in 1960s. Firstly he was recognized during the discussions about native, Turkish automobile production in public. As a young engineer and academician he defended native production insistently. After 1965 he took many important tasks in the Union of Chambers And Commodity Exchanges and became the president of union in 1969. Anatolian shareholders supported him in this process against the İstanbul. But he was taken from duty and decided to go into politcs. He was obstructed by Justice Party governance and became an independent candidate for deputy in Konya in 1969. He was elected by getting a serious vote. In 1970 he founded National Order Party and differantitated his political movements from other political parties. Also Erbakan claimed that only parties which belong to National Opinion Movement had differences from others and unique political parties in his whole life. He accused all other parties as Western imitators. In 1973 elections National Peace Party declared itself as a right view political party. But this declaration claimed that only National Peace Party was rightist; Justice Party and other parties not. They were defined as “colorless” and Republican People Party was defined as supporter of communism. Since 1997 to today National Opinion Movement parties did not use right or left conceptualization for themselves. One of the main differrences of this movement is that it has based on a thesis. So National Opinion Movement could not be accepted just a reactionary political movement. Most of supporters of the movement came from Democrat Party tradition. But this movement based on a tradational conformist interpretation of Islamism. So secular character of the government had a distance to Necmettin Erbakan and his political parties. After 1990s rising of Welfare Party Turkish politics lived a huge crisis and closure case sued by Constutional Court. At this time Welfare Party was the first party of last election. Defining the political position of National Opinion Movement should be the beyond of right and left political division. As it was claimed before, this division is an artificial one and has got so many problems about intepretation of Turkish political culture. In this article, the political position of National Opinion Movement by the right and left division of political culture will be evaluated.


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