"Se'â" kelimesi Kur'an-ı Kerîm'de isim ve fiil kalıbında otuz ayette geçmektedir. Lügatte yürümek, hızlı hareket etmek, gitmek ve yönelmek gibi anlamlara gelirken en yaygın biçimde bir işi yapmada ortaya konan gayret ve çaba anlamında kullanılmıştır. Söz konusu kelimenin Kur'an-ı Kerîm'de etmek/koşuşturmak/koşar içtenlikle/ciddiyetle/çabalayarak kullanılmıştır. Bu anlamlar arasında en yaygın olan kullanım ise bir işi yapmada ortaya konulan çaba/gayret ve o işi özümseyerek yapma manasıdır. Kur'an kelimelerinin anlamları üzerine yapılan özel çalışmalar olarak nitelendirebileceğimiz Vücûh ve Nezâir eserlerinde ortaya konan yaklaşım da bu minvaldedir "Se'â" kelimesi meallerin tamamına yakınında kelimenin enderkullanılan anlamları arasında yer alan "koşma" manasında çevrilmiştir.Söz konusu bu anlam pek çok ayetin bağlamına uygun düşmemekte veokuyucunun zihninde ayetin manasının kavranması konusunda birtakım istifhamlar oluşturmaktadır. Sözgelimi Hz. Musa'nın asasının birmucize ile yılan oluşundan bahseden Tâhâ suresi 20. ayetteki "se'â"kelimesine "yılanın koşması" şeklinde bir anlam yüklenmesi okuyucununzihninde yılan nasıl koşar? şeklinde bir istifhamın oluşmasına nedenolmaktadır. Ancak "koşma" kelimesi yerine Kur'an'da kullanıldığıanlamlardan birisi olan "hızla hareket etme" manası verilerek "hızlakıvrılan/hareket eden/sürünen bir yılan oldu" şeklinde bir manaverilmesi herhangi bir anlama güçlüğü oluşturmayacaktır.Bu çalışmada dilbilimcilerin ve erken dönem tefsirler başta olmaküzere müfessirlerin, Vücûh ve Nezâir âlimlerinin "se'â" kelimesininKur'an'da geçtiği yerlerde kelimeye yükledikleri anlamdan hareketleTürkçeye tercüme edilmesinde tespit edilen hatalar ortaya konulmuş vebir takım deliller ışığında doğru tercüme örnekleri verilmiştir.


The word "se'â" passed thirty times as a name and as a verb in the Quran. It means like walking in the lug, moving fast, going and fronting, The sense of effort is used to put forward in doing a job most commonly, this word is used in the sense of effort. It is used in the Quran in three manners: to walk/advance/go, to move fast/fast/to run/run step by step, to do something sincerely/seriously/effortlessly. The most common use among these meanings is the effort /effort made by doing a job and the way it is done by assimilating it. The approach put forward in the works of "Vücûh and Nezâir", which we can characterize as the special works on the meanings of the Quranic words, are also in this minval. The Word "se'â" has been translated in the sense of "running" in all Turkish traduction of the Quran, which is among the rare meanings of the word. In other words, this meaning does not correspond to the real context in many verses and constitutes a number of explanations confusions in the reader's mind during the understanding of the meaning of verses of the Quran. To the reference of the prophet, as the scepter of Moses' sack became a serpent as a miracle in the 20. verses of Taha Surat, "se'â" has a sense of running a snake, how does a snake run in the reader's mind? Causing a question mark in this form. However, instead of the word "running" the meaning of being used in the Quran is given to the meaning of "moving quickly", as giving a meaning to "a snake that is swirling/moving/creeping rapidly" will notmake any sense of difficulty. In this study, linguists and early commentators, especially commentators, Al-Wujuh (polysemy) and Al-Nazhair (synonymy) in the sense that their scholars uploaded to the words of se'â in places passed in the Quran errors were detected during the translation into Turkish and some examples of correct translations are given in the view of evidence The Quran was sent in Arabic and the Arabs, who are the firstrespondent, were addressed with the words they know. Therefore, inorder to understand the Quran properly, it is necessary to correctlyunderstand the language in which it is written.There is no doubt that the smallest construction that has ameaning in a language is words. Due to this reason, examining all thewords and concepts in Quran etymologically and semantically has an important role in Quran commentary. One of the basic requirements ofcorrect understanding of the Quran is to determine the correct meaningsof the words according to the time period that Wahy (revelation) was sent.In the Quran, the word "se 'â" is used in thirty verses, in the formof name and verb. Whereas in dictionary meaning it is used as to walk,to move quickly, to go and to head, it is commonly used as endeavourand effort to do a job. In the Quran this word is used in three differentmeanings; the first one is to walk, to proceed, and to go; the second is tomove fast and constantly, to rush, and to move on the double; and thelast one is to do something sincerely, earnestly, and by striving. Amongthese meanings the most common usage is to do something sincerely,earnestly, and by striving. The approach being put forward in the worksof Al-Wujuh (polysemy) and Al-Nazhair (synonymy), which can becharacterized as special works on the comprehension of the Quranwords, is also in the same manner.The aim of this study is to identify the meaning of the word "Se'â"which was assigned to it at the time period when Wahy was sent and themeanings which Quran assigned to the word, and to point out theproblems in translating it into Turkish.The Conceptual Framework of the StudyThere is no certain study that analyses the meaning of the word"Se'â" in the Quran and handles the Turkish translation of the word. TheQuran is the written form of Wahy, which is a tool for communicationbetween the God and the servants and to deliver his messages to them,and in its own context, every single word used by the Almighty Creatorin the Quran has very important meanings and messages to be given.Therefore, accurate detection of these meanings given to the words is animportant element in understanding the messages of the Creator. Sincethere is no certain study that reveals the mistakes made in thetranslation of the word "Se'â" into Turkish, this study fulfils a need in thefield and offers a contribution at the point of understanding the Quranand not misunderstanding even a single word of it.MethodIn this study, the meaning of "Se'â" word was taken intoconsideration by using early period dictionaries, Al-Wujuh and AlNazhairbooks and commentary books, and then correct examples oftranslations were tried to be presented within the frame of the resultsobtained by determining errors in the translation of the word in Turkishmeaning.First of all, the verses, in which the word "Se'â" is used and themost mistakes were made in Turkish translation, were handled inreference to the Koran contexture. Examples of translations of each versewere given, and then early period commentary, Al-Wujuh and Al-Nazhairbooks, which deal with the meanings of the words in the Quran, and theworks of Gharib al-Quran were utilized. It was tired to determine the mostappropriate translation for the context of the verse by taking thedictionary of the Turkish Language Association as the most accurate wayof expressing the word in Turkish language. The word "Se'â" is translated as "running", which is among therarely used meanings of the word, in almost all of the translations. Thismeaning does not accord with the context of many verses and it causessome question marks in reader's mind about comprehension of themeani


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