Bu araştırmanın amacı, İmam-Hatip Liselerinde sunulan din eğitiminin niteliği ile ilgili sorunların, bu okul yöneticilerinin görüşleri doğrultusunda incelenmesidir. Araştırma nitel araştırma modelinde yapılandırılmıştır. 2015-2016 öğretim yılı bahar döneminde Türkiye kapsamlı olarak yürütülen araştırmada, TÜİK'in Türkiye Bölgeler Sınıflandırması Düzey 1'den hareketle belirlenen 12 ildeki 24 farklı İmam-Hatip Lisesinden toplam 25 okul yöneticisi araştırmanın çalışma grubunu oluşturmuştur. Araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat formları kullanılmış olup, okul yöneticileriyle yapılan yüz yüze görüşmelerle veriler toplanmıştır. Betimsel analiz yöntemiyle çözümlenen bu veriler ışığında araştırmada elde edilen bazı sonuçlar şu şekildedir: İHL okul yöneticilerinin büyük çoğunluğu, okullarındaki din eğitiminin niteliğini istenilen düzeyde olmadığını ifade edip, yetersiz bulmaktadır. Görüşme yapılan İHL okul yöneticileri, okullarında sunulan din eğitiminin niteliğini etkileyen çeşitli sorunlar olarak, bu okulların öğrenci, öğretmen ve veli profili ile müfredat yapısına ilişkin niteliksel sorunlara değinmektedir. Yine bu okullarda mesleki yeterlik kazandırmaktan ziyade akademik başarının öncelenmesine, fiziksel, çevresel ve ekonomik sıkıntılara ilişkin de çeşitli sorunları dile getirmektedirler. Araştırma kapsamında ayrıca İHL okul yöneticileri, bu okullardaki din eğitiminin niteliğini geliştirmeye yönelik çeşitli önerilerde bulunmuşlardır.


The aim of this research is to examine the problems with the quality of the religious education offered at the Imam-Hatip Schools in accordance with the opinions of these school administrators. The research is structured in a qualitative research model. During the spring term of 2015-2016 academic year in Turkey, a study group consisting of 25 school administrators from 24 different Imam-Hatip Schools established on the basis of The classification Level 1 of Turkey's regions of TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute). Semi-structured interview forms developed by the researcher were used, and face-to-face interviews with school administrators were collected. Descriptive analysis method was used in the analysis of the data obtained. Some of the results obtained in the research are as follows: According to majority of the IHL school administrators, the quality of religious education in their schools is not at the desired level, it is inadequate. The interviewed IHL school administrators refer to the various problems affecting the quality of religious education offered in their schools, related to the profiles of students and teachers and parents, and the curriculum structure of the schools. They also express various problems related to physical, environmental, and economic troubles. Within the scope of the research, İHL school administrators have made various suggestions to improve the quality of religious education in these schools.When quality is taken to mean being the best and putting out the best, qualified education can also be achieved by raising the best students. The best students can also be provided with well-prepared training programs and multi-media training courses designed for the implementation of these programs, and qualified personnel to carry out this process. In other words, for qualified education it is important that the elements of education are also qualified. Imam-Hatip schools are the deepest-rooted education institutions in Turkish education history. However, throughout the years of the Turkish Republic, these schools have constantly become a controversial issue in terms of their number, structure, student and alumni profiles. It is a matter of curiosity about the quality of religious education offered in Imam-Hatip Scholls, especially have lived a significant quantitative increase since 2012. Studies are continuing to improve the quality of education in these schools. The main purpose of this study is to examine the problems with the quality of the religious education offered at the Imam-Hatip Schools in accordance with the opinions of these school administrators. In this context, the following questions were searched in the research.How do IHL school administrators assess the quality of religious education in these schools in their current state? - According to the IHL school administrators, what kind of problems are faced with the quality of religious education in these schools? - IHL school administrators, what kind of solution proposals offers to improve the quality of religious education in these schools? The research is structured in a qualitative research model. During the spring term of 2015-2016 academic year in Turkey, a study group consisting of 25 school administrators from 24 different Imam-Hatip Schools established on the basis of The classification Level 1 of Turkey's regions of TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute). Semi-structured interview forms developed by the researcher were used, and face-to-face interviews with school administrators were collected. Descriptive analysis method was used in the analysis of the data obtained. Some of the results obtained in the research are as follows: According to majority of the IHL school administrators, the quality of religious education in their schools is not at the desired level, it is inadequate. The interviewed IHL school administrators refer to the various problems with the quality of religious education offered in their schools, related to the profiles of students and teachers and parents, and the curriculum structure of the schools. All of the IHL school administrators who participated in the survey pointed to a problem with the quality of religious education, arising from the student profile in these schools. In this context, the student-centered some problems expressed by the school administrators like this: inadequacy of students in terms of academic achievement, the presence of students who come to these schools for a variety of reasons unwillingly, students who want to study in different areas of the university outside theology, do not care about vocational courses, students who did not read in Imam-Hatip Secondary Schools had inadequate religious knowladge background, and undesirable behaviors of students who did not have Imam Hatip consciousness. The interviewed IHL school administrators expressed the problems arising from the teacher profile, espacially vocational courses teachers, that affect the quality of the religious education in these schools. The most important issue that participants put forward in their views as problems related to vocational courses teachers is that they are involved without being well trained in the faculty of theology, and without having competencies. In addition, IHL school administrators have stated that vocational courses teachers in the schools are ineffective in influencing their students, communicating well with them, disliking themselves and their lessons, renewing themselves and taking ownership of their schools. IHL school administrators who participated in the research pointed to various problems in their views in terms of student's parents in their schools. In this context, the majority of the participants expressed the concern that the parents were indifferent to the student's education process. In addition to this, administators stressed some problems regarding student's parents such as the high and different expectation of them from these schools, the existence of parents from different social groups, and the economic and pedagogical inadequacies of some parents. Some of the school administrators pointed to a variety of curricularbased problems affecting the quality of religious education in their schools. The most frequently highlighted problem in this context is that the curriculum are very heavy and intense. Participants also expressed the intensification of vocational courses in the final classes, the excess of class hours, the difficulty of implementing their curriculum as problems. IHL school administrators have frequently expressed, with the exception of the above-mentioned problems, physical problems, and the excellence of academic achievement rather than vocational competence in these schools, with the quality of religious education in the schools. To a lesser extent, the intensity of social activities in these schools, environmental and economic problems are also other problems addressed by the participants. Within the scope of the research, İHL school administrators have made various suggestions to improve the quality of religious education in these schools. Some of these suggestions are taking the necessary measures to ensure students who are academically more successful, and prefer these schools to their own will to this schools; working teachers who are well-educated and selective in these schools; simplification of these school curriculum and diversification in accordance with student orientations. When analyzed the suggests that IHL school administrators offer, it seems that they are in the related to the problems of general education system of Turkey such as the provision of school, family and environment coexistence in education.


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