Bu çalışma, geleneksel kodlardan ve dinî referanslardan beslenen kadına yönelik algının zihinsel yansımalarını, şiddet davranışıyla ilişkisi bakımından ele alarak yüksek din öğrenimi gören öğrencilerin bu konudaki yönelimlerini ortaya koymak amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmada hazır bilgiden yararlanma tekniğinin yanı sıra ilişkisel tarama yöntemine uygun olarak anket tekniği kullanılmıştır. Yüksek din öğretimi kurumunun 1. ve 4. sınıfında öğrenim görmekte olan 230 kişilik bir örneklem grubuna uygulanan araştırmada, araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen ve içerisinde geleneksel kalıp yargılar, şiddet, toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri ve dinî kabullerle ilgili pozitif ve negatif algıyı içeren 34 maddelik anket uygulanmıştır. Özellikle sınıf ve cinsiyet değişkenleri bağlamında incelenen verilerden elde edilen bulgulara göre, yüksek din öğretiminde öğrenim görmekte olan öğrencilerin son sınıfa geldikçe pozitif algılarında artış olduğu gözlemlenmiş ve bu artışın bazı maddelerde anlamlılık düzeyine ulaştığı görülmüştür. Ancak özellikle şiddet, miras, şahitlik, yöneticilik ve fitne olma durumlarıyla ilgili dinî referansların işaret ettiği maddelerde öğrencilerin büyük oranda gelenek içerisinde şekillenen anlayış çerçevesinde bir tercih yaptıkları ve bu tercihlerin ilgili tüm maddelerde anlamlılık düzeyine ulaştığı görülmüştür. Araştırmadan elde edilen diğer önemli sonuç ise erkek öğrencilerin kız öğrencilere göre daha negatif bir algıya sahip olmalarıdır. Araştırmanın sonunda elde edilen bulgular ışığında şiddet davranışını önlemede Kutsal'la girilecek ilişkinin sahici bir nitelik taşıması, küçük yaşta verilecek değer eksenli din eğitimi ve dinî referanslara bütüncül bir bakış açısı geliştirmenin önemi vurgulanmış ayrıca yüksek din öğretimi kurumlarında ezberci ve nakilci anlayışın terk edilerek disiplinlerarası okumanın gereği hatırlatılmıştır.


This study was carried out with the aim of revealing what the university students getting higher education on religion think about the point in question, by dealing with the reflections of the perception towards the women, which grows through traditional codes and religious references, in terms of its relationship with the violent behaviour. In the research, besides utilizing the existing literature, survey technique was used in accordance with relational screening model. In this study of which sample group consisted of 230 students studying at 1st and 4thgrade of higher religion education, a survey was conducted -which was developed by the researcher and had 34 questions including positive and negative perception about traditional stereotypes, violence, social gender roles and religious receptions. According to the findings obtained especially from the data which was analysed within the context of class and gender parameters, it was observed that there is increase in the positive perception of the students getting the higher religious education as they come to senior year, and it was seen that this increase has reached to the level of being meaningful in some questions. However, it was seen that the students made mostly their choices in the frame of a perception shaped by the traditions for the questions especially about violence, heritage, testimony, management and instigation which were marked by the religious references, and it was also seen that those choices reached to the level of being meaningful in all the related questions. And another crucial result obtained from the study is that male students adopt more negative perception than the female students. According to the findings obtained at the end of the study, it was emphasized that it is important to form a real/true relationship with the Holy One and to develop a holistic perspective towards the religious references and the moral-based religious education given at a young age. Also, it was underlined once more that it is necessary to quit the parrotfashion and the rote-learning in the institutions of higher religious education In this study, we dealt with the mental reflections of the perception towards woman, being fed by traditional codes and religious references. So that it is aimed to reveal the tendencies of the students, taking higher education on religion, about this point.Main problem of the study is that whether the perceptions of students, studying in the higher education institutions on religion which have an important mission in positive evolution -in the light of religious references, of the negative perception towards woman being fed by traditional codes, towards woman change over time or not. In this study, the question what kind of change it is if there is any according to independent variables will be answered. Main hypothesis of the study is based on the assumption that the perception of these students about woman would evolve positively in time till their senior years. The hypothesis being tested on this point is that "The woman perception changes by gender. Accordingly, female students have more positive approach than male students." Measuring Tools: In this study, a survey developed by the researcher and having 2 parts was used as data collection tool. The first part of the survey consisted of 4 demographic questions querying the students' genders and grades, socio-economic background of their parents and accommodation units of their parents. The second part of the survey consisted of 34 questions including attitudes towards violence as well as the questions including negative and positive perceptions being fed by traditional codes and religious references towards woman. Data Analysis: The data obtained from the study was analyzed by the computerbased SPSS 20 statistics packaged software. For seeing the percental and numerical distribution of the sample and the effect of a variable on another variable, crosstab analysis was performed; and also Chi Square Test was applied to determine the significance level of the difference between. Population and Sample: Population of the study is composed of the university students studying in Faculty of Theology, in Karabük University. Sample of the study is composed of 230 students having been chosen through random sampling from the 1st and 4th graders in the Faculty of Theology in Karabük University. Findings: When looked at the answers given to the survey questions of which numbers and percentages were stated on the basis of grades, it is seen that the questions about the positive perception towards woman were generally answered positively, and that rate of agreement with these clauses' context increases at the senior year. For instance, while 75.4% of 1st graders agreed with the clause saying "The thing making women subsidiary is not religion but tradition.", this rate increased to 85.6 for the 4th graders. While 60.3% of 1st graders agreed with the clause saying "The perception saying that women are lack of intelligence and faith doesn't comply with divine justice.", this rate is 89.4 for the 4th graders. The difference between them is meaningful at the level of p<0.01 (.000) There is seen similar results in the answers given to some questions fed by traditional codes. For instance, while 83.3% of 1st graders didn't agree with the clause saying "Don't set off with a woman, or you'll get just trouble.", 4th graders didn't agree with it at the rate of 87.5%. Especially, as the results of the survey questions about creation of woman, violence, inheritance, testimony, leadership and woman's being instigation, it is seen that all the grades answered them within the scope of meaning they attributed to religious references. And it is seen that the difference among the grades became more significant in these clauses. For instance, while 41.3% of 1st graders didn't agree with the clause saying "Women and men have equal conditions in testimony.", this rate is 81.7% for the 4th graders. The difference between them is meaningful at the level of p<0.01 (.000). And while 50.8% of 1st graders didn't agree with the clause saying "Woman can get the same right of succession as the man.", this rate is 81.7 for the 4th graders. The difference between them is meaningful at the level of p<0.01 (.000). When looked at the answers related to perception of woman by gender, it is seen that the rate of agreement of the male students to the clauses including negative perception is more different than female students, and that this difference reached to the significance level. For example, while 80.8% of female students didn't agree with the clause saying "Women tend to commit sin more than men.", this rate decreased to 41.0% for the males. The difference between them is meaningful at the level of p<0.01 (.000). And both genders didn't agree with the clause saying "It's man's responsibility to discipline woman.". Agreement rates were 86.2% for the females and 46.0% for the males. The difference between them is at the level of p<0.01 (.000). Result: Referring to transformative power of religious knowledge, the belief that positive perception about woman needs to be adopted much more in the institutions providing theological education has made the perception of senior students of this field an enigma. In this empirical study being shaped according to this enigma, it is observed that positive perception of senior students studying in this field has mostly increase; however, it is seen that answers were given within the scope of the dominanttraditional perception referred by decretals. Although the fact that the only institution isn't educational institutions being effective on the processes of religious socialization makes it essential to consider the effects of other communication fields, this doesn't reduce the effect and importance of educational institutions on formation of mentality. Another result of the study is that male students have more negative perception than the females, and this is a situation which could be explained by the socialization process of the boys grown up in a patriarchal community.


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