ss change. Where as the turcologists like Muharrem Ergin and Talat Tekin, thought that the concerned verb is derived from ï- stem by -d- extention annex. In this work,the structure of the old turkish verb ıd- which we see in the meaning of “send,leave” will be examined and will be tried to determine if this verb style is a root or a body which is formed by merging to the root the /d/ morfem that comes to the verb root which has a single vocal.While working on examining the structure of this verb, after clearing especially the spelling of (T = T1) consonant in Orhon turkish and if the consonant that comes after this consonant suits to the consonant concordances; id- verb samples from the old turkish will be dealed and To clearify especially this verb better,by finding conjugation samples of this verb excluding the known past conjucation form, by analyzing other samples in middle turkish and other periods, the existence of the verb i- will be tried to determined. Also id- shape is a verb body and it is tried to be shown the hardness of distinguishing this verb from the verb i- “send, leave”"> [PDF] ıd- FİİLİNİN YAPISI ÜZERİNE | [PDF] ON THE STRUCTURE of ïd- VERB ss change. Where as the turcologists like Muharrem Ergin and Talat Tekin, thought that the concerned verb is derived from ï- stem by -d- extention annex. In this work,the structure of the old turkish verb ıd- which we see in the meaning of “send,leave” will be examined and will be tried to determine if this verb style is a root or a body which is formed by merging to the root the /d/ morfem that comes to the verb root which has a single vocal.While working on examining the structure of this verb, after clearing especially the spelling of (T = T1) consonant in Orhon turkish and if the consonant that comes after this consonant suits to the consonant concordances; id- verb samples from the old turkish will be dealed and To clearify especially this verb better,by finding conjugation samples of this verb excluding the known past conjucation form, by analyzing other samples in middle turkish and other periods, the existence of the verb i- will be tried to determined. Also id- shape is a verb body and it is tried to be shown the hardness of distinguishing this verb from the verb i- “send, leave”">


Bu çalışmada ïd- fiilinin yapısı incelenecektir. İlk olarak Orhon Yazıtlarında tespit edilen bu fiilin yapısını Thomsen, Clauson ve M. Erdal gibi Türkologlar ïd- şeklinde düşünmüşler; hatta KT G 8 ve BK K 6. satırlardaki ïs(a)r şeklinin ïds(a)r şeklinden geldiğini ds/ts > ss benzeşmesi sonucunda ïs(a)r şekline dönüştüğünü ifade etmişlerdir. Buna karşılık Muharrem Ergin ve Talat Tekin gibi Türkologlar da ilgili fiilin ï- kökünden -d- genişletme eki ile türediğini düşünmüşlerdir. Bu çalışmada Eski Türkçede ıd- "göndermek, terk etmek, bırakmak" anlamlarında karşımıza çıkan fiilin yapısı irdelenecek ve bu fiil şeklinin kök mü yoksa tek vokalden ibaret olan fiil köküne gelen /d/ morfeminin köke kaynaşması sonucu oluşmuş bir gövde mi olduğu tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır. İlgili fiilin yapısı tespit edilmeye çalışılırken özellikle Orhon Türkçesinde (T1 = T) konsonantının yazılışı ve bu konsonanttan sonra gelen konsonantın seda bakımından konsonant uyumlarına uyup uymadığı konusu aydınlatıldıktan sonra, Eski Türkçeden itibaren ïd- fiilinin örnekleri ele alınıp, özellikle bu fiilin daha iyi aydınlatılması için fiilin görülen geçmiş zaman kipi dışındaki çekimleri ile ilgili örnekleri bulunarak, Orta Türkçe ve diğer dönemlerdeki örnekler incelenerek ï- fiilinin varlığı tespit edilmeye çalışılacaktır. Yine ïd- şeklinin bir fiil gövdesi olduğu ve bu fiilin ï"göndermek, terk etmek, bırakmak" anlamındaki fiile gelen -d- fiilden fiil yapan genişletme ekinin, eklendiği fiil köküne kaynaşarak fiil kökünden ayırt edilmesinin zorluğu tod-, doy- < to-d-; kod- koy- < ko-d- gibi örnekler ile gösterilmeye çalışılmıştır


In this work the structure of ïd- verb will be examined. This verb was first identified in Orhon Yazıtları and the turcologists Thomsen, Clauson and M. Erdal thought its structure as ïd- ; also they thought that ïs(a)r shape at the lines KT G 8 and BK K 6 came from ïds(a)r shape and it transformed to ïs(a)r shape as a result of ds/ts > ss change. Where as the turcologists like Muharrem Ergin and Talat Tekin, thought that the concerned verb is derived from ï- stem by -d- extention annex. In this work,the structure of the old turkish verb ıd- which we see in the meaning of “send,leave” will be examined and will be tried to determine if this verb style is a root or a body which is formed by merging to the root the /d/ morfem that comes to the verb root which has a single vocal.While working on examining the structure of this verb, after clearing especially the spelling of (T = T1) consonant in Orhon turkish and if the consonant that comes after this consonant suits to the consonant concordances; id- verb samples from the old turkish will be dealed and To clearify especially this verb better,by finding conjugation samples of this verb excluding the known past conjucation form, by analyzing other samples in middle turkish and other periods, the existence of the verb i- will be tried to determined. Also id- shape is a verb body and it is tried to be shown the hardness of distinguishing this verb from the verb i- “send, leave”


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