Sosyo- ekonomik açıdan toplumların kalkınmasında önemli rolü olan nüfusun sayımı 19. yüzyıl başlarında Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun dağılma ve çöküş döneminde devleti kurtarma çabalarının bir sonucu olarak arazi ve mal mülk sayımı ile birlikte önem kazanmıştır. II. Mahmud döneminde yapılan yeni düzenlemelerle, Yeniçeri Ocağı'nın kaldırılmasından hemen sonra yerine kurulan yeni ordunun asker ihtiyacını karşılamak amacıyla ülke genelinde genel bir nüfus sayımı yapılması kararlaştırılmıştır. 1831 yılında yapılan ilk nüfus sayımından sonra belli aralıklarla daha da sistematikleşerek devam eden bu nüfus sayımlarından 1844 tarihli olanın amacı 1834-35 yıllarında "Redif Asâkir-i Mansûre" adıyla Yeniçeri Ordusu'nun yerine kurulan yeni orduya alınabilecek asker potansiyelini tespit etmekti. Bu sayımlarda bir takım aksaklıklar yaşanmasına rağmen ilgili yerleşim birimlerinde bulunan halkın tespitinin yanısıra dışarıdan gelen nüfusun da sayımı gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada Batı Anadolu'nun önde gelen yerleşim birimlerinden biri olan Aydın Sancağı Tire Kazası'nda H. 1261/M. 1845 tarihinde yapılan nüfus sayımlarını içeren ve Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi'nde nüfus defterleri serisi içinde 3060 ve 3077 numara ile kayıtlı nüfus defterlerindeki veriler değerlendirilecektir. H. 1261 / M. 1845 yılına ilişkin 3060 numaralı Nüfus Defteri Tire'ye gelip, çeşitli medreselerde, mahallelerde, hanlarda, köy ve çiftliklerde yerleşen Müslüman nüfus hakkında bilgi verirken, 3077 sayılı Nüfus Defteri ise Gayr-i Müslim nüfusa Rum ve Ermeni özelinde bilgiler vermektedir


Census, which means counting of the population of an area in a certain period of time is an important source of data for determining population potential of a state. Creating an effective administrative mechanism through a better acquaintance of the administered population can only be achieved thanks to censuses. As in every state in Ottoman Empire too, censuses which has a considerable role in the process of development of a society in socio-economical aspects, had gained importance by the beginning of the 19th century, as a result of the efforts to saving the state during the periods of disintegration and collapse of the Empire along with the land and property registering. The first modern census in which only male citizens were registered for military and taxation purposes had been conducted during the reign of Mahmud II in 1831 and subsequent censuses continued to be done in certain periods until the collapse of the Empire. Object of this study is to determine features and proportion of the Muslim and Non-Muslim populations in rural areas by grounding on census registers which are among the 19th century Ottoman archive sources and evaluating the results of the 1845 census in District of Tire, a part of Sanjak of Aydın and one of the important commercial centers of western Anatolia. Cognitive and Theoretical Frame of the Study Demography studies in Ottoman historiography, which began with Enver Ziya Karal’s “The First Census in Ottoman Empire 1831” and Kemal Karpat’s “Ottoman Population 1830-1914” studies, tend to increase because of the opening of census registers in Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives to researchers. Studies conducted by Sezgin Demircioğlu on Of, Sabri Bacacı-İrfan Dağdelen-Osman Doğan on Ünye, Fevzi Gür-Salih Kahriman on Amasya, Ahmet Ergün-Mehmet Akif Terzi on Payas, Zübeyde Güneş Yağcı-Serdar Genç on Balıkesir, Mustafa Keskin on Düzce, Süleyman Demirci-Kazım Kartal on Maçka and Mucize Ünlü-Pelin İskender Kılıç on County of Ayandon census registers can be considered as examples of this kind. These studies, generaly on local scales, in the form of transcription and evaluation of census registers in liva or kaza centers. For researchers, census registers provide detailed information about the population of cities, towns, counties and villages of 19th century. These records contain spesific information about administrative status, settlements, family nick-names, professions and names of imams, mukhtars and educated persons as well as names of fathers, sons, if there was step-sons, disabilities, departing from or settling to a certain settlement in relation to purposes of aducation and military service. Besides it is also possible to have information from registers about the physical properties of persons like their heights, beards and moustaches as well as various H.1261/M.1845 Tarihli Nüfus Defterlerine Göre Tire’ye Gelen Müslim… 151 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/1 Winter 2015 disability adjectives like lame, blind, handicapped and one-eyed. Conducted studies, by evaluating the outcomes of modern censuses, can form a base for subsequent general studies which will cover the population profile of whole Ottoman geography. 1845 dated Tire census register, which is the subject of present study, is a distinct sample because it registers Muslim and Non-Muslim emmigrants who came to Tire from various places, instead of determining the population in the District of Tire. This is the distinctive aspect of this register. Method In this study two census registers from Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives have been transcripted and secondary sources which are also about the concerned region are also consulted. By this way an evaluation about the populations of cities in western Anatolia in the 19th century was reached through a local sample. This study will provide a base for more comprehensive subsequent studies that will be conducted in future. Findings and Discussion 1845 Census is immensely important because it illustrates that immigrants had a prominent role in the population potential of Tire, one of the important settlements of Kaystros basin, Cradle of Civilizations. This census, being a good indicator for internal migration movements, shows that both Muslim and Non-Muslim elements preferred Tire, a crossroad of commercial routes, for settling and contributed the economy of Tire by performing their various professions. Data concerning to Non-Muslim populations points out that generally Greeks more than Armenians preferred Tire for settling. Although reasons for this phenomenon are not sufficiently explained in this study, subsequent studies will explain reasons of this difference. Conclusion and Suggestions In this study, data that are provided from 3060 and 3077 numbered census registers of Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives and contain census of H. 1261 in Tire district of Aydın Sanjak which was considered among the prominent settlements of Western Anatolia, will be evaluated. While 3060 numbered Census register of H. 1261 / A.D. 1845 year providing information about the population that had arrived in Tire and settled in various madrasas, districts, inns, villages and farms, 3077 numbered Census register provides information about nonmuslim population, especially about Rums and Armenians. It can be understood from the registers that newcomers from various places were temporarily housed in Dar’ü’l-Kurra, Cami-i Kebir, Kazirzade, Yayla Fakihler, Hacı Mehmed Ali Ağa, Alay Bey, İsmail Efendi, İbn-i Melek, Kara Hasan, Hacı Müderris, Odun Pazarı, Solak Ağa, Molla Muslihiddin, Derviş Kadı, Cedid ve Sarıca Yusuf Madrasahs. The register that include 1845 census contains information of immigrants who settled to Ahi İmam, Sofuköy, Sinne, Abdülvahab, Alaca Mescid maa-Darphane, İbn-i Hatip, İbn-i Kayyum, Cami-i Kebir maa-Çanakçızade districts. Professions of some of the settlers were also registered as 1 linen draper, 2 drivers, 6 coffee-shop keepers, 7 sekbans, 10 laborers and 1 coffee grinder. 152 Mehmet BAŞARAN – Aysun SARIBEY HAYKIRAN Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/1 Winter 2015 The register also contains informations of who arrived at Bakır, Acem, Dellaloğlu, İki Kapulu, Kireç, Cedid, Ahmed Ağa, Keserci, Şerif Efendi, Karapınar and Çömlekçi inns. It is also pointed out that no one was residing in Hacı İbrahim Ağa inn at that period. The most populous group of immigrants were from Isparta and they were mainly occupied with the boot making. It can be understood that immigrants also settled to various villages and farms of Tire and worked as laborer. Physical properties of immigrants were remarked as generally rough descriptions like medium-height, black bearded and appeared moustached. According to census register the most common name wereMehmed and Mustafa while the nickname of Seyyid was wide. It is unlikely that so many people can descent from the lineage of Prophet. Instead Seyyid was used in a meaning that refers to efendi, a relatively common title for men. Besides it can be understood that Greek and Armenian populations were also in considerable proportions and provided emploment. Greeks who came from Yanya, Rhodes and Mytilene worked as shepherd, patisserier, gardener, baker while Armenians were minority. Results of this study and transcription of other census registers of Tire will provide a complete picture of the population potential of Tire in 19th century.
