Miladi takvimin ilk yüzyıllarına kadar eskiye dayanan ve zengin kaynaklara sahip olan Ermeni tarihçiliğinin, Türk tarihi açısından değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Ermeni tarih kitaplarının genellikle kilisede din adamları tarafından yazıldığı malumdur. İlk kaynaklarda bunun etkisini, sonra yazılan tarih kitaplarında ise "sözde Ermeni Soykırımı" motifini, Diaspora Ermenilerinin de büyük desteğiyle ulus bilincini uyandırmak ve bu bilinci canlı tutmak amacıyla her alanda olduğu gibi tarih eğitiminde de kullandıklarını görüyoruz. Tarihçiliğin ve tarih eğitiminin ilke edindiği önemli hususlar, Ermeni tarih yazıcılığında kayda alınmamıştır. Bizans döneminde seçtikleri Gregoryan mezhebinden dolayı Ermeni halkının yaşadığı baskı, tehcir ve kırımlar sathi anlatılırken, Selçuklu ve Osmanlı döneminde yaşanan en ufak eksiklikler abartılarak sunulmaktadır. Bu hususlara dikkat çekerek çalışmamızda, Ermeni tarihçilerin eserlerinden, Bizans, Selçuklu ve Osmanlı dönemini anlatan örnek satırlar sunulmaktadır. Ayrıca bu çalışmada Ermeni tarih kitaplarında ve Ermenistan Cumhuriyeti'nde ders kitabı olarak okutulan kitaplarda yer alan Türk tarihine ait anlatımların ortaya konulması amaçlanmaktadır. Bu yapılırken de, Ermenilerin tarihini konu alan Ermenice kitaplardan yapılan çevirilerde Türklerle ilgili tarih yazımlarında, değişik tarihlerdeki olayların anlatılış biçimlerinden hareketle bakış açılarının ve ifadelerinin ortaya konulmasına çalışılacaktır. Yine bu çalışmada siyaset, edebiyat, sanat vb. alanlarda şimdiye kadar birçok gelişmeye sebep olmuş "Ermeni Meselesi"nin ana temellerinin Türk-Ermeni münasebetleri bağlamında Ermenistan'da genç öğrencilere aktarılış tarzındaki yanlış ve eksikliklerin tespitine imkân verilecektir. Şöyle ki, Ermeni tarih eğitim politikasında yapılan bu yanlışların, onları ne kadar yanlış yerlere getirdiğini görmek zor olmayacaktır.


The Armenian Historianism which goes back to the first centuries C.E. and rich in resources must be examined in respect of the Turkish history as well. It is commonly known that the Armenian history books are generally written by men of religion in the church. We see that the effect of this can be seen in the initially written books and then in the latter books thisese books were used to create a national identity and to keep it alive in the historical education as in every other aspect of education by the great support of the Armenian diaspora by also the addition of the “supposed Armenian Genocide”. Key issues that the principle of historiography and history education hasnot taken note of the Armenian historiography. While the description of persecution, deportation of the Armenian people due to his cult Gregorian in the Byzantine period superficiallyover the Seljuks and Ottomans was displayed the small things too artificially. In our study, noting these matters, the works of Armenian historians, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman period the sample lines are presented. Based on the recordings of Mateos, Armenian historian, it is not difficult to understand Armenian people’s hate against Byzantium due to persecution and slavery imposed to Armenians. According to Armenian historian’s statement, after the Seljuk’s coming Armenians saw better humanistic behavior and could possess their religious freedom during the Seljuk. While they lived in diffuse manner during Byzantium, they accumulated in known centers during the Seljuk’s period. Armenians’ situation started to get much better after establishment of Ottoman dominance in Anatolia geography. Armenians experienced the Ottoman government’s attention who had never seen this attention during any other government before. Among non-Muslim nations of Ottoman, Armenians benefited the most from the facilities provided for all hardworking, worthy, honest and skillful citizens. They were partially exempted from doing military service and paying the tax, found development opportunities in trade, farming and administrative jobs and for a long time they were accepted as “loyal nation” because of their dependency on government and mixture with people. As Ottoman government started to lose its power, western countries put forward “eastern question” which was implementation of their political, military and economic aspirations. In order to actualize their imperialistic goals on Ottoman Empire, Big colonialist states such as England, Russia and France supported and used “Armenian question” as an extension of “eastern question” at every opportunity. At the same period of time the results of terroristic movements and provocations of two revolutionary Armenian terrorist organizations namely “Henchak” and “Dashnak” agitated European and Americans by “Turks are cutting Christians” propaganda. By this way almost all the graet powers tried to undertake the role of Armenians “protector” without any doubt to reach their goals. Within the course books in Republic of Armenia the discussion related to “Zeitoun” one of the biggest rebellions, Turkish territory is Ermeni Tarih Kaynaklarında Türkler 369 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/1 Winter 2015 discussed as “West Armenia” and furthermore the Armenians’ situation during Russian dominance is praised as follows: “political and economic circumstances of west Armenians kept under Turkish domination was much worse than East Armenians in Russian domination. Sultan Empire, Turkish Pashas and Kurdish Beys violence and irregularity against Armenians was continuing. Armenians were known as Rahay i.e. people who had no right and law; they were not property and land owner”. This much Falsifying of the realities about Turks in history courses taught at schools in Armenia, will result in next generations being educated with animosity feelings. However, there were Armenian government officials, ministers, Pashas, artists, architects and merchants in every levels of Ottoman government. Ottoman history has recorded 22 ministers, 33 parliamentarians, 29 Pashas, 7 ambassadors, 11 chief consuls, 11 university academic members, 41 top executives from Armenians. And partial and untruthful historiography by stating “they have no property right” will bring no gaining rather than misleading Armenian youth. As a matter of fact, Armenians were the elements with highest level of economic income In the Ottoman Empire. First World War became an irrecievable point in TurkishArmenian relations. While Ottoman government was fighting in battlefronts, a community of national subject who was aiding and abetting enemy, rebelling and slaughtering Muslims and now is allied with enemy cannot be imagined as supporter. For this reasons extinction of Armenians from war territory was a vital military measure. Furthermore, rebelling when allies of world war one anchored in Çanakkale, occupying Van in April 1915 and delivering to Russians on 20 May 1915 made Ottomans not postpone this measure any more. This betrayal of Armenians, Ottoman subjects, made the realization of compulsory emigration necessary. It is clear from the history course book prepared by Barhudaryan for 10th grader students that lots of efforts have been done to bring up the Armenian youth as “Turcophobe”. Causes of question are not addressed. Coming to the conclusion of emigration as a result of cooperation between Armenians and Russians is not questioned. “First world war conditions gave the opportunity to Turkish government to penalize Ottoman subjects and Armenians. Turkization of Muslims living in the empire who did not belong to Turkish nation and extermination of Christians were planned.” Young Turks leaders were sure about the intervention of Great Britain, Russia and France. The speech of Nazim Bey in one of hidden meetings of party is evident of this: “it is many time that I am telling and now I am repeating that; we should ruin the root of Armenian people , no Armenian will not exist in our country and this name should be forgotten. Now it is war time, such a suitable atmosphere is not attainable. Intervention of great powers and mixed complaints of world media keeps this hidden”. İs history a device for transferring the governments preplanned ideology to individuals, to continue to conduct completely “genocide”, “slaughter”, “enmity”, “innocence”, “oppression”, “revenge” and “heroism” focused propaganda. Such a politicization of history education is not in accord with social goals. This situation affects the 370 Telli KORKMAZ Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/1 Winter 2015 Armenia’s international status as much as its national status and has almost brought Armenia to the isolation point. Moreover, it is evident that which side will be affected from the harms of adding more seeds to seeds of hostility between two neighbor nations. Since history represents the yesterday, today and tomorrow dimension, life is coming from yesterday, living today and at the same time is going to tomorrow. Human being at best lives in today and therefore can understand today better. But the most important curiosity and worry is tomorrow which is future. The only possible way of understanding future is to look to the past. Yesterday i.e. the history is known well, with the help of today can intuit something for future. Tomorrow of human being in other words dimension related to future is related the most to yesterday which is history. By using this logic, if we look at Armenian policy about history course books, there is no need of further underlining of how they are taking themselves to wrong conditions. In conclusion, the course books taught in Armenia about the historical events are sowing racism and hostility seeds in children’s minds which will pass to history as great losses from peace and friendship point of view. Clearly, this type of approach is not in appropriate for education systems and spirit of education
