1980'ler itibariyle Türkiye'de Milli Görüş geleneğinin temsilcisi olan Refah Partisinin ekonomik sisteme dair çözüm önerisi bağlamında ortaya çıkan Adil Ekonomik Düzen söylemi, faizsiz bir sistem öngörüsünde bulunmuştur. 1990'lı yıllarda popüler olan bu söylem, toplum nezdinde de karşılık bulmuş ve ciddi bir siyasi başarı kazanmıştır. Adil Ekonomik Düzen, gelir dağılımı adaletsizliği, işsizlik, enflasyon, tüketim ekonomisi gibi temel problemlere ana sebep olarak faizi göstermiştir. Dolayısıyla faizin olmadığı bir ekonomik sistemde bu sorunların çok daha adil bir şekilde çözümlenebileceğini iddia etmiştir Bu iddiasını çok kısa süren bir iktidar döneminde hayata geçirme girişiminde bulunmuş fakat devamını getirebilecek bir süre iktidarda kalamamıştır. Adil Ekonomik Düzen, genel olarak; devlete biçilen rol, para, vergilendirme sistemi, kredi esasları ve ortaklık, üretim ve ihracat, enflasyon, işsizlik ve sosyal güvenlik esasları gibi konular üzerinde durmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ele alınacağı üzere adil ekonomik düzenin faizsiz kaynak oluşturma bağlamında öne sürdüğü kredileşme ilkeleri ve bunların uygulanabilirliği tartışılmıştır. Çalışmada ortaya konan ilkelerin kurumsallaşmanın oluşmasıyla uygulanabileceği kanaatine varılmıştır. Adil Ekonomik Düzende 7 türlü faizsiz kredi imkânı vardır ve enflasyona sebebiyet vermez. Bunlar ortaklıklar, Hakkı Müktesep Karşılığı Kredi, Emek Karşılığı Kredi, Rehin Karşılığı Kredi, Ödenmiş Vergi Karşılığı Kredi, Yatırım Projesi Karşılığı Kredi, Selem Senedi Karşılığı Kredi olarak sıralanmaktadır


Interest is the most important cost that the capitalist economic system brings to society. Interest, which is an important instrument in economic imbalance, generally works on debts. One of the most important elements in the economy grows. Growth which is accepted as one of the most basic elements of an economy depends on the increase in production, and the increase in production also depends on investments. Investments are provided through savings. The use of these savings in the capitalist system is at an interest rate, but the fact that the investment is not efficient does not significantly affect the savings providers. When savings are used on inefficient investments, they will be charged even if they do not produce the desired output. In other words, the promised interest without regard to production is taken as the owner of the savings. This leads to distortions in the economy, especially in the case of income injustice. A system where there is no interest in the economy has been discussed since the past. Even J.M.Keynes, known as Keynesian economic pioneer, points out that the point where interest is zero is an ideal economy, while those who internalize the capitalist economic system think that interest cannot be independent of the economy. The most important studies emphasizing that interest interestfree economy can be seen in the field of Islamic economics. However, in terms of being an alternative to the capitalist system nowadays, an accepted interest-free system applied worldwide has not become widespread. Even Malaysia, Indonesia, and some Arab countries whose domestic economic policies have partially lost interest on a local basis, have not been able to create a fully interest-free system because of their integration into the capitalist system in the global context. The Fair Economic Order discourse, which emerged in the context of the solution proposal for the economic system of the Refah Party, which is representative of the Islamic View tradition in Turkey in the 1980s, was predicated on an interest-free system. This discourse, which was popular in the 1990s, has received a response to the society and has gained a serious political success. The Fair Economic Order has shown interest as the main reason for basic problems such as income distribution inequality, unemployment, inflation, consumption economy. So he claimed that these problems could be solved in a fairer way in an economic system where there is no interest. He attempted to make a living in a very short period of power, but he did not stay in power for a long time. The Fair Economic Order generally focuses on the role of state, money, taxation system, principles of credit and partnership, production and export, inflation, unemployment and social security. As will be discussed in this study, the principles of lending and the applicability of the fair economic order in the context of making interest-free resources will be discussed. In the Fair Economic Order there are 7 types of interest-free loans and they do not cause inflation. These are listed as partnerships, Mortgage Corresponding Loans, Labor Loans, Pledge Loans, Paid Tax Loans, Investment Project Loans, Order Stock Loans Interest is the most important cost that the capitalist economic system brings to society. Interest, which is an important instrument in economic imbalances, generally works on debts, that is, on loans. One of the most basic elements of an economy is the increase in production, which is considered to be one of growth, and the increase in production is also dependent on investments. Investments are provided through savings. In the capitalist system, the use of these savings is provided at an interest rate, and the fact that the investment is efficient is not important for saving owners. When saving is used in inefficient investments, it will interest you whether or not the expected production is available. In other words, the promised interest without regard to production is taken as the owner of the savings. This leads to distortions in the economy, especially in the case of income injustice. A system in which there is no interest in the economy has been discussed since the past. Even J.M.Keynes, known as Keynesian economic pioneer, points out that the point where interest is zero is an ideal economy, while those who internalize the capitalist economic system think that interest can not be independent of the economy. The most important work that emphasizes that interest should not be in the economy is in the field of Islamic economics. However, in terms of being an alternative to the capitalist system nowadays, an accepted interest-free system applied worldwide has not become widespread. Malaysia, Indonesia, and Arab countries have not been able to create a fully interest-free system because of their integration into the capitalist system in the global context, even if the domestic economic policies do not have partial interest on a local basis. The Fair Economic Order discourse, which emerged in the context of the solution proposal for the economic system of the Refah Party, which is representative of the Milli Görüş tradition in Turkey in the 1980s, was predicated on an interest-free system. This discourse, which was popular in the 1990s, has received a response in the society and has achieved a serious political success. The Fair Economic Order has shown interest as the main reason for basic problems such as income distribution inequality, unemployment, inflation, consumption economy. Therefore, he argued that these problems could be solved more fairly in an economic system where there is no interest. He attempted to make a living in a very short period of power, but he did not stay in power for a long time. The Fair Economic Order, in general; The role of the state, money, taxation system, principles of credit and partnership, production and export, inflation, unemployment and social security. As will be discussed in this study, the principles of lending and the applicability of the fair economic order in the context of making interest-free resources will be discussed. Equitable Economic Straight There are 7 types of interest free loans and they do not cause inflation. These are listed as partnerships, Mortgage Corresponding Loans, Labor Loans, Pledge Loans, Paid Tax Loans, Investment Project Loans, Selem Senedi Loans Loans. The Fair Economic Order is an integral part of itself. In the FEO alone, only the evaluation of the principles of lending will remain ineffective in terms of the FEO. Therefore, money, taxes, social security and general principles should also be taken into consideration. However, when we measure the applicability of the principles of credit today, it is possible to say that some of the proposed credit systems are similar and some can be applied in the direction of preparing the legal ground. Investment Project Provision Loan, Labor Equity Loan, Selema Senedi Equity When there are applications similar to the credit systems, we can say that it can be done if the legal grounds are established on the Loan System, Loan, Paid Tax Equivalent Loan and Pledge Provision Loan systems. The FEO is a system promoting partnership. The state prepares macroeconomic projects for entrepreneurs to produce them. The entrepreneur who wants to take the project should get references from professional and moral institutions in the FEO. So experience is important in this system. Today, there is no institutional partnership mechanism that will bring the five production factors of the FEO together. However, cooperatives can be seen as examples of institutions that will be able to produce production to meet the partnership system in the FEO and to work without interest. In the Fair Economic Order, the Mortgage Corresponding Loan system will be insufficient in terms of investing or creating interest-free financing to support production. Nowadays, when the currencies are given very simply, many people may not wait for the right to get a loan. This credit system is generally preferred for individuals with interest sensitivity. Therefore, the Mortgage Corresponding Loan system needs to be developed. The partnership, the Labor Equity and investment project credit systems can be used predominantly for the transition to the FEO system. Households tend to invest their savings in profitable jobs. This tendency can be evaluated with these proposed systems. As a matter of fact, the state should have organization in this regard. Through the Development Bank, investors can find savings owners in their investment projects. Transition to the FEO system is made possible by the government's policy of production and the production of interest-free support. The Loan granted to FEO can be used for small and mediumsized businesses in terms of feasibility. As a matter of fact, it is stated that the employment contribution of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country is about 78-80%. This shows that Kobilerin's share in the economy is important. Today, there are various policies of the state in terms of contribution of employment. These include tax incentives, insurance incentives etc. Kobiler is also supported by various policies such as providing interest-free loans via KOSGEB or paying the interest on loans from banks. The Labor Equivalent Loan system can also be applied directly to labor employment through institutionalization through KOSGEB. Therefore, the provision of interest-free financial support for repayment directly to labor instead of non-repayable interest-free financing will affect employment positively and increase production as well. The repayment of the loan will also result in interest-free loans to other persons or institutions


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