İslam toplumunda hayat bulan dini oluşumlarda birçok Kur'an ayeti ve dini argüman tarih boyunca kullanılmıştır. Bu araştırmada İslami hassasiyet taşıyan kitleleri harekete geçirmek için sıkça kullanılan ayetler, Milli Görüş hareketi örneğinde ele alınacaktır. Hareketin kurucusu Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan Batı tarzı üniversitelerde yetişmiş, modern bilimler alanında çalışmalar yapmış ve profesörlüğe kadar yükselmiştir. Her ne kadar Batı tarzı bilimlerle uğraşsa da o, yapmış olduğu sosyal ve siyasal çalışmalarda çoğu kez dini referanslara atıf yapmıştır. Erbakan, yapmış olduğu bu atıfların ancak ehlince anlaşılacak açıklıkta olmasına özen göstermiştir. Bu makalede yapılan araştırma sonucunda, onun çokça atıfta bulunduğu tespit edilen bazı ayetleri ele alarak, bu ayetlerin mesajları ve ortak yönleri üzerinde durmaya çalışılacaktır. Ayrıca yapılan bu incelemede onun özellikle kitlelere hitabında ayetleri sunarken, yaptığı/aktardığı tevil ve tevcihler hususunda tefsir geleneği açısından değerlendirmelerde bulunulacaktır. Yapılan incelemeler sonucunda; Erbakan'ın yazılı metinlerinde akademik bir üslup kullandığı ve bilimsel konulara ağırlık verdiği görülmekte olup, irticalen yaptığı konuşmalarında ise dini kaynak ve argümanları kullanarak asr-ı saadetten günümüze taşınması gaye edinilen "heyecan"ı aktif hale getirme gayreti güttüğü, moral ve motivasyonu artırmayı hedeflediği tespit edilmiştir. Buna bağlı olarak dini kaynaklar hakkında yaptığı/aktardığı tevil ve tevcihlerin diğer sosyolojik ve siyasi bağlamda yapılan yorumlama hareketlerine kıyasla ortaya çıkarılması, pratize edilmiş İslam yorum geleneği açısından önemli katkılar sağlayacak boyuttadır. Bu sebeple Erbakan'ın sadece sıkça vurguladığı ayetlerin değil; konuşmalarında gündeme getirdiği tüm ayetleri kapsayacak şekilde bu ayetlerin "İslami siyaset ve dini bir hareketin temellerini oluşturması" açısından bir tez konusu olarak ele alınması gerekmektedir


The verses of the Quran and many of religious arguments used at the religious movements throughout the history. In this research, frequently used verses for activating unions which has islamic precision will be handled in the sample of the Milli Gorus movement. The constituent of the movement Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan grew in western universities, made works at the area of the modern sciences and appointed up to the professorship. Although Prof. Dr. Necmettin Erbakan deals with the western sciences, he also referred the religious references many times at the social and the political works which he made. Erbakan, paid attention for making the references he made clear for the comprehension only by the masters. In this notification by the result of the research made, handling some of the verses defermined that he references a lot, will be tried to discourse on the common aspects and the messages of these verses. Additionally, in this examination there will be made evaluations by the aspect of the commentary convention in the case of predications and constructions made while presenting of Erbakan the verses especially adressing to the unions. As a result of the determination made; being insight of that he concentrates on the scientific subjects and using academic genre at his written texts, it is determined that Erbakan makes an effort to increase the motivation and morale, aims to give excitement which is aimed to be carried to present day from the century of felicity to the union by using the religious arguments and resources at the talks which he makes extemporaneously. Therefore figuring out the predications and constructions that he made by the comparison to the commentary movements made at the other psychological and political context, is at the rate of providing important contribition for the aspect of the convention of the practiced Islam commentary. By this reason, not only the verses which Erbakan frequently uses; all of the verses which contains the verses he uses at his talks must be handled as a thesis subject for the aspect of "Islamic politics and constitution of the basis of a religious movement"The tradition of Qur’anic commentary and interpretation (tafsir and ta’wil) has gained a new form, growing in time with its peculiar character. This tradition has served for numerous products to be generated throughout history in the scope of Qur’anic interpretation. The methodologies of tafsir and ta’wil have been denoted with many attributes within the traditions in which they have developed and according to the classifications based on the already existing works. This orientation, occurring from practice to theory rather than the opposite, has caused the classifications and denotations introduced so far to display ambiguities and interpenetrations. It is fair to say that these classifications and denotations are inadequate today, and will be so in the future, as shown clearly by the history of Qur’anic commentary. It is stated in the recent studies that there will be a gradual move from the method-based denotations and classifications toward the exegete, the audience, and the practiced interpretation. The reality of this move requires “the religious movements and their leaders’ conceptions and interpretations of the Qur’an” to be studied academically and from a subject-oriented perspective. In religious movements in Islamic society, many Qur’anic verses and religious arguments have been used throughout history. The present study will take up the verses that have been often used to mobilize the masses with Islamic sensitivity, with the example of the National Vision (Milli Görüş). The founder of the movement, Prof. Necmettin Erbakan, received education at Westernized universities, conducted studies in modern sciences, and attained full professorship. Though engaged with the sciences of Western origin, he mostly referred to religious sources in his social and political works. Erbakan made sure that his references were clear only to the knowledgeable in the subject. In this study, some Qur’anic verses he cited much will be taken up with a focus on their messages and common aspects. Evaluations, based on the tradition of Qur’anic commentary, will also be provided in regard to the interpretations he made while presenting the verses in his addresses to the mass. It is observed, in the process of collecting and classifying the relevant material that Erbakan used an academic style with an emphasis on scientific subjects in the texts he authored. These texts usually cite studies that are in the scope of his expertise. Necmettin Erbakan wrote in many subjects concerning Turkey, the world, the Islamic world in particular, and Muslims, and his many speeches on the same subjects have been transcribed. In the latter works, religious sources are either cited explicitly or, in compliance with the then conjuncture, quoted without citation in a way enabling the knowledgeable in the subject to understand. It seems that Erbakan used more religious sources and arguments in his extemporaneous speeches than in his written works and lectures. As it is seen in the scannings done within the frame of the related resources Erbakan frequently uses in his written texts and especially in his speak the following verses; 1-This day have I perfected your religion for you and completed My favour unto you, and have chosen for you as religion al-Islam. (The Table,5/3) 2-O ye who believe! If ye will aid (the cause of) Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly.(Muhammad, 47/7) 3-If Allah helps you, none can overcome you: If He forsakes you, who is there, after that, that can help you? in Allah, then, Let believers put their trust.(The family of I'mran, 3/160)4- So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in Faith. (The family of I'mran, 3/139) 5-How oft, by Allah’s will, Hath a small force vanquished a big one? Allah is with those who steadfastly persevere. ( The Cow, 2/249) 6- And strive in His cause as ye ought to strive.( The pilgrimage, 22/78) 7-Mighty indeed were the plots which they made, but their plots were (well) within the sight of Allah, even though they were such as to shake the hills!( Abraham, 14/46 ) 8- Their intention is to extinguish Allah’s Light with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (Al-Saff, 61/8) 9- Truth has (now) arrived, and Falsehood perished: for Falsehood is (by its nature) bound to perish. ( Al-Isra, 17/81) 10- Never give up hope of Allah's Soothing Mercy: truly no one despairs of Allah's Soothing Mercy, except those who have no faith. (Jousef, 12/87) 11- Spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loveth those who do good. (The Cow, 2/195) As has been seen in the survey on the relevant sources, the Qur’anic verses cited by Erbakan in his written texts and especially in his speeches are mostly focused on the subjects such as the necessity of action for the sake of Islam, that Islam is the only solution for the Muslims who are in misery, the awareness about those who are allied to put Islam and Muslims in misery, and that the present misery of Muslims will definitely come to an end. It has been determined, in this study, that Erbakan, in the interpretations he made originally or cited from sources, stays faithful to the rules of understanding and presenting the Qur’an correctly, that he uses the Qur’anic sciences to this end, and that he directly introduces the necessary and accurate interpretation without resorting to unnecessary elaborations. Therefore, Erbakan’s originality can be said to be conveying the accurate meaning to the audience in a shortest way. In respect to the exegetic operation based on perception, comprehension, and presentation, the following can be suggested: Erbakan is focused on the main message of the Qur’anic verse, in the stage of perception; he benefits from the Qur’anic sciences that prevent misconception of the verse and serve for adequate comprehension; and he has a presentation style more concise than that of the other commentaries and suitable to the comprehensive approach to the subject. It has also been determined that, with the Qur’anic verses he frequently cites, Erbakan primarily aims to activate the “excitement” which is intended to be brought from the time of the Prophet, and to increase the morale and motivation of the audience. Accordingly, revealing Erbakan’s interpretations and comments on religious sources in comparison with the other “movements” of interpretations in sociological and political context, may contribute significantly to the Islamic tradition of practiced interpretation. Therefore, the verses cited by Erbakan, not only those he stresses often but also those he refers to in his speeches, need to be studied in a dissertation, as the verses in question “comprise the foundations of Islamic politics and of a religious movement.”


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