Bireylerin kişisel özellikleri birbirinden farklıdır. Kişisel özelliklerin farklı olması öğrenme stillerinin de farklı olmasına neden olmaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı öğretmen adaylarının baskın öğrenme stillerini ve kişilik özelliklerini ortaya çıkarmak ve öğrenme stillerini cinsiyet ve kişilik özellikleri değişkenleri açısından incelemektir. Tarama modelinde betimsel bir araştırma olarak planlanan bu çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak beş faktörlü kişilik ölçeği ve Kolb Öğrenme Stili Envanteri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemini 2013-2014 öğretim yılı bahar döneminde Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Sınıf Öğretmenliği programına kayıtlı bulunan 205 öğretmen adayı oluşturmaktadır. Veriler SPSS 15.0 programıyla analiz edilmiştir. Kullanılan istatistik analiz yöntemleri ortalama, standart sapma, frekans dağılımı, Ki-Kare, one-way ANOVA testleri olarak belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen bulgulara göre katılımcıların öğrenme stili tercihleri kişilik tiplerine göre farklılıklar göstermektedir. Araştırma bulguları araştırmaya katılan öğretmen adaylarının çoğunluğunun değiştiren öğrenme stiline sahip olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca öğrencilerin öğrenme stilleri ile cinsiyet değişkeni arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunamamıştır


It is known that the learning styles are related to several factors. In students’ learning, learning preference has got very important place. The days in which students have been asked for learning only given information have gone. It has been certain that teachers have had gread importance for realizing qualified education. For increasing quality of education, the first step has been getting more information about students’ personal charesteristics. Personal characteristics of individuals are different from each other. Having different personal characteristics causes the learning styles. Because Learning styles are based on the characteristics came from birth. “Information society” requires individuals to have many diverse qualifications. These qualifications include knowing and applying various ways of thinking, such as researching, problem solving, and creative and critical thinking. Educating individuals with such qualifications is only possible by making students become more active in learning-teaching process and this requires adaptation of education to different students with different learning styles. “Learning style” is the sum of characteristics reflecting individuals preferences and tendencies related to learning (Güven ve Kürüm, 2006). It is known that individuals perceive the environment in various ways and learn differently. However, people generally do not have any opinion about what they learn, how much they learn and how they learn. Whereas knowing about how individuals learn may facilitate both educators and peoples’ effective teaching and learning. From this point, learning styles strike out as an influential way to ease learning (Güneş ve Gökçek, 2012). Due to the biological and psychological differences between individuals, learning processess vary from person to person. One of the main reasons of learning differences between individuals is learning styles. Learning style is a concept which expresses receiving, processing, remaining and recalling new information. It is known that learning styles affect learners’ learning behaviour (Sapancı, 2014). There is big importance of learning styles for increasing the students’ achievement. The purpose of the study is to determine prospective teachers’ dominant learning styles and personality characteristics. In accordance with this main purpose, it is looked for answers to these questions: 1- How is the personality characteristics for preservice class teachers? 2- how is the dispersion of the learning style models for preservice class teachers? Eğitim Fakültesi Sınıf Öğretmenliği Bölümü Öğrencilerinin Kişilik Tipleriyle… 677 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/7 Spring 2015 3- Is there any meaningful difference for teacher candidates’ learning styles regarding their genders? 4- Is there any meaningful difference for teacher candidates’ learning styles regarding their personality characteristics? In order to achieve this purpose, datas were collected from 205 students of Mersin Education Faculty pre-service department. This research consists of 5 parts, which are literature review, method, data and findings, discussion and recommendations. In the collection, analysis and interpretation of the data related to the study, quantitative research method was used. To collect the data, the researchers used “The Inventory of Kolb Learning Style and The Scale of five factor personality” were employed as a means of data collecting. The Scale of Five Factor Personality originally developed by John, Donahue and Kentle (1991), and later adapted into Turkish by Alkan (2007). in this study designed as a descriptive study in scanning model. Teachers who are registered for the program of Primary school education constitute the sample of the study. Data were analysed with using SPSS 15.0 package program. In data analysis, descriptive statistics and Chi-Square test were used. It was established that 22,9% of the prospective teachers have assimilator, 14,1% of them converger, 42,0% of them diverger, 21,0% of them accommodator learning styles. According to the data collected, individuals’ learning styles do not differ in gender and registered programs. According to the findings of the learning style preferences of participants vary according to their personality type. The findings of the research showed that most of the students in the research are changer. Considering the collected data, it is determined that among the teacher candidates from Education classroom teachers „changer‟ learning style is the most dominant and „cleaves‟ learning style is the least dominant learning style. Also, there is no significant relationship between the learning styles of the students and gender. It was obtained that there were no meaningfull correlation between teachers’ gender and learning styles preferences. According to these results suggestions have been offered. According to research results a number of suggestions have been voiced. It is hoped that research done supplied an extra information to those of one before and will be a way to post-researches.
