Bu çalışmanın amacı, Uluslararası Fen ve Matematik Eğilimleri Araştırması (TIMSS 2011) sonuçları üzerinden Türkiye'de eğitim öğretim gören sekizinci sınıf öğrencilerinin matematik başarılarının çalışmaya katılan diğer ülkelerin genel başarı ortalamaları ile kıyaslayarak karşılaştırmalı bir durum analizi yapmaktır. Bu kapsamda, TIMSS 2011 çalışmasında sekizinci sınıf matematik başarısı ile ilgili olarak elde edilen veriler esas alınarak Türkiye'de sekizinci sınıfa giden öğrencilerin matematik başarısı ve bu başarılarını etkileyen faktörler incelenmiştir. Ayrıca 2011 yılı öncesinde gerçekleştirilen TIMSS uygulamalarının sonucunda elde edilen sonuçlar ile 2011 sonuçları karşılaştırılmış ve bir durum analizi yapılmıştır. TIMSS 2011'e Türkiye'nin 67 ilinden seçilen, 259 ilköğretim okulunda okuyan sekizinci sınıf düzeyinde 7286 öğrenci; 240 matematik ve 240 fen bilgisi öğretmeni katılmıştır. TIMSS 2011'e katılan ülkelerin ortalama matematik başarı puanlarını en fazla artıran ülkeler arasında Türkiye 20 puanlık artışla puanını en çok artıran on ülke arasında yerini almıştır. Türkiye'nin TIMSS 1999, 2007 ve 2011 uygulamalarında öğrencilerin matematik içerik bilgisi başarı puanları karşılaştırıldığında öğrenci başarılarında bir artış meydana gelmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları, matematik başarısının ülkelerin gelişmişlik düzeyi, fen derslerine ayrılan süre, anne baba eğitim düzeyi, bilgisayar ve internet erişimi, matematik öğrenmede kendine güven, matematik dersine yönelik tutumlar gibi değişkenlerle ilişkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Öğrencilerin akademik başarısına etki eden temel bileşenler; öğrencinin kendisi, öğrencinin yaşam alanı, ailenin sosyoekonomik durumu, sınıf ve okul ortamı, öğretmen özellikleri ve okul yönetimi değişkenlerinden oluştuğu ortaya konmuştur


The purpose of this study, Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) mathematics achievement in Turkey on the results of the other countries participating in the study overall success is to make a comparative analysis by comparing average. In this context, the TIMSS 2011 study regarding the eighth-grade math achievement based on the data obtained in Turkey goes to eighth grade students' math achievement and success factors affecting it were studied. TIMSS also takes place prior to the year 2011, the results of these results with the results obtained were compared. The average of the countries participating in the TIMSS 2011 mathematics achievement scores highest increase in Turkey among the countries with the highest increase of 20 percentage points score across countries has taken place. Turkey's TIMSS 1999, 2007 and 2011 applications, students' mathematics content knowledge achievement scores compared to an increase in student achievement has occurred. Research results in mathematics achievement development levels of countries, science lessons allotted time, parental education level, computer and internet access, in learning math self-confidence, mathematics attitudes to such variables to be associated with shows that. Purpose and significance: Nowadays developing math and science, life skills of individuals within the framework of formal and non-formal education starting from pre-school development it is necessary for life. These developments in compulsory education of math and science courses has increased the role and importance. The scope of application of the TIMSS student achievement and characteristics, school climate, teacher qualifications at the national level to the size of the country will gather information about the social and educational structure. One of the targeted overall aim of TIMSS curriculum, implemented and emerging data regarding curriculum to offer. Today, the people of the developing life skills in mathematics and science in the development of formal and non-formal education, starting from pre-school environment attributed to individuals throughout their lives to education. Place in the compulsory education of formal education in mathematics and science at the developments in educational outcomes and have put forward again the importance of the scientific literacy of countries within the area policy-makers in education, society has tended to take steps to upgrade. Overall, the TIMSS 2011 affecting students' learning are numerous contextual factors. School type, school resources, teaching approaches, characters demographic characteristics of Öğrencilerin Matematik Başarısının Uluslararası Fen ve Matematik … 35 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/7 Spring 2015 teachers, students tend to have strong support from the family tendency to student learning and achievement are some of them. TIMSS achievement to the finest detail to analyze the results, to see how that plays a role in the development of mathematics and science education is very important to understand the content within learning and achievements. Method: In Turkey, 259 primary school students in the eighth grade level in the school 7286; 240 math and 240 science teachers participated in TIMSS 2011. In this study, obtained from the TIMSS 2011 study 8th grade math achievement based on data relating to the 8th grade students' mathematics achievement in Turkey and this was investigated factors affecting success. The overall objective of the study showed how the distribution of students' mathematics achievement that is intended to identify. In addition, the results were compared with previous TIMSS applications. This purpose is to make a comparative analysis. Therefore, the study of this model is a descriptive study. Results: TIMSS 2011 application is an important application both in terms of student achievement and to better understand student achievement in mathematics and science, to compare with the previous year and to compare it with other countries. The results of the education system to identify the current situation and basic education in educational policies, curricula, teaching methods, teacher qualifications, offers courses tools and scientific information for the revision of elements such as material. Students' achievement in mathematics significantly compared to the previous application is a great progress. Turkey's ranking in the international arena has increased, but below the international average in mathematics achievement has taken place. In this tutorial can be considered as a positive reflection of the policies pursued. Mathematics is considered the most problematic areas, the most successful is the analysis of the data. In the international arena, the opposite is the case. Level of skills in the field of data analysis where the average student achievement scores were above the international average of 9 points. The basic components that affect the academic achievement of students; the students themselves, the student's living space, family socioeconomic status, school and classroom environment, teachers and school management features have been demonstrated to occur in the variables. Considered the most problematic areas in mathematics, is the most successful area of data analysis. Internationally it is the opposite case. Top-level data analysis average student achievement scores in the area where their skills on the international average of 9 points, while the field numbers are at 31 points.
