Her iki dilde de varlıklara ad olma, bir şeyin bir şeye aitliği konusunda ve anlamı geniş kapsamlı olan kavramlara ad olabilmesi gibi konularda ad tamlamalarının önemi herkesin malumudur. Bu önem üzerine "Almanca ile Türkçede Ad Tamlamalarının Karşılaştırılması" konulu araştırmada her iki dilde kullanılmakta olan tamlama türleri araştırılarak benzerlikler ve farklılıklar belirlenmeye çalışıldı. esnasında Türkçeye göre bu konunun Almancada genişliği tespit edildi. Türkçede genellikle tamlamaların kuruluşunda farklılığın olmadığı, Almancada ise bazı farklılıkların bulunduğu görüldü. Her iki dildeki ad tamlamaları ele alınıp bu tamlamaların nasıl oluştuğu, örneklerle ortaya konuldu. Bu çalışmanın amacı, iki dilin farklı ve benzer yönlerini gözler önüne sermektir. Gerektiğinde Almanca dilbilgisi öğretimine yardımcı olabilecek bir çalışma elde etmektir


We all know that in both languages noun phrases are of great importance because they include entities, possession and concepts with broader meaning. Due to its significance, in our research on “comparison of noun phrases in German and Turkish” we tried to specify the similarities and differences between the types of noun phrases which are in use in both languages. German language belonging to Indo-European language family is an inflected language in terms of its structure. As in the case of all inflected languages, German has also one syllable and multi-syllable stems and some suffixes. However, when deriving a new word and during inflection, stems often change. More precisely, although sometimes a few suffixes are used, structural patterns are generally formed by a change in the stem. Sometimes this change makes the stem unrecognizable. Turkish language on the other hand, being Ural-Altaic, is an agglutinating language in terms of its structure. In this language family there are one or multi-syllable stems and suffixes. When deriving new words or dative, objective, accusative cases of nouns, suffixes are attached to the stem. While doing this, the stem does not change; the stem and the suffixes are clearly distinguishable. These languages could be prefix or affix languages. In other words, suffixes are sometimes attached to the beginning or to the end of a stem. Turkish is an affix language. While prefixes play a great role in German, affixes are important in Turkish to derive a new word. In this study noun phrases in German language were focused on and several differences were found in noun phrases in German both in the beginning and at the end of the study. Noun phrases composed of two nouns and noun phrases formed by prepositions having the same function could be taken as a good example. They were compared with the noun phrases in Turkish language in this respect. During the comparison, German language was proved to be broader than Turkish. It was observed that there is not necessarily a difference in forming noun phrases in Turkish but there are some differences in German. Noun phrases in both languages were dealt with and how they are formed was presented with their examples. The aim of this study is to display the similar and different aspects of the two languages and to produce a work which may be of help in teaching German grammar


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