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Ibn al-Atheer wrote in his two books Al-Masal Al-Sayer and Alwushi Al-Marqum what he called the solution of the rhythmical, which is the conversion of literary art to other literary art through expression in the art to which it was converted to the meaning of converted art by similar structures or paradoxes of its compositions. Therefore, the study is interested in monitoring the relationship between the meaning and the Syntax of stability and change in the treatment of Ibn al-Atheer. Introduction: Ibn al-Atheer's goal from making the art of poetry, prose is associated with teaching the writer an ideal way to help him to write and create letters. And that way distinguish those who follow it from others. So he had to qualify himself for this art by reading the arts of literature, including the friction with the popular literature issued by people's daily dialogues. Ibn al-Atheer said: The Qur'an, Hadith and poetry are necessary for the writer to acquire the ability to practice that art. And after the stage of qualification in which the writer collected his tools, Ibn al-Atheer explains the best way to reach the degree of diligence in the art of writing. Ibn al-Atheer mentioned examples in his two books to make some verses and hadiths prose, but his concern was to make the art of poetry a prose; Because Arabic poetry is having infinite meanings, and for transferred from art to against. The study deals with the Ibn al-Atheer's treatment of poetry, and before revealing the method of Ibn al-Atheer in making the art of poetry prose in an applied manner, and revealing the relationship between the significance and the structure in his solution; we must touch on some concepts regarding the subject of the study. Between poetry and prose Ancient critics divided the art of Arabic literature into poetry and prose. And Qadamah ibn Jaafar is one of the first to define the poetry, and this definition was circulating by many critics,The art of poetry is assonant and rhythmical saying indicating the meaning. Hazem identified the art of poetry influenced by Ibn Sina and Aristotle, by reference to the methods of poetry, its specificities and its impact on the recipient. Ibn Khaldun added a condition, namely, the flow of poetry on the ways of the Arabs in expression and formulation, as well as referring to the significance of the partial verse. Prose is the artistic word corresponding to poetry, and includes literary arts such as writing and rhetoric, and the formal difference between prose and poetry in the method of systems and rhythm, which is defined by Ibn Khaldun in his definition. But in the content, the differences between them are many, and the fact that the poetry nature is different from the nature of prose and each of them has its features.Because of the importance of poetry in the preservation of Arabic, its methods, codification of Arab wars and boasting; The question of the superiority of poetry on the art of prose was raised, and it suffices to refer to what Ibn Rashiq reported in the preference of poetry. But Ibn Khaldun did not address the question of preference, because both of them in his opinion are the result of what the Arabs used methods and indications, but he touched on the specificity of each of them in form. Semantics and types Significance is "the science that studies meaning, or that branch of linguistics that deals with the theory of meaning".and it is a branch of the language connected to its other branches. It depends on: observation of the vocal side, studying the morphological structure of the word, taking into account the grammatical aspect, indicating the singular meanings of words, and studying expressions. Semantics is related to the theory of conduction which requires the existence of a tripartite device: the speaker from which the speech is issued, the recipient reading or hearing, and then the linguistic event. The linguistic significance is concentrated within two distinct levels: total significance and partial significance. Stylistics An innovative approach to rhetoric, linguistics, and theorists of the past and present, applied in practice to the assumption of levels within the literary text that are divided into: vocal level, morphological level, syntactic level, depiction level, and semantic level. Critics have defined many definitions for it, all of which are based on the parties to the communication process: the author, the recipient, the message or the literary text. Critics defined the Stylistics according to the most important parts to the process of literary communication; some of them identified it as the author the most important part, some of them identified it as the letter or literary text is the most important part, some of them identified it as the author and literary text are the most important parts, and some of them identified it as the recipient is the most important party in the process of literary communication. Objective and importance of the study The study aims at monitoring the relationship between significance and structure, as reported by Ibn al-Ather from different prose separations in which certain verses of poetry were resolved. While revealing the possibility of transferring art from literary arts to other literary art while adhering to the artistic features framed by the art transferred to it. And to reveal the ability of Ibn al-Ather to use the significance derived from the art of poetry, and reproduce them in compositions similar to those on which the poet relied, or in structures contrary to them, and to reveal the extent of the impact of this significance in the selection of compositions. And the detection of the production of different structures for a fixed indication. Study Approach To reach the desired goal, the study relies on extrapolation, analysis, and extraction of results, by monitoring the linguistic phenomena that characterized the verses of the poetry and its prose, and analysis it to determine the implications of the total and partial meaning, and its impact on the recipient. Using methods that benefit from stylistics, and derive its tools from language and eloquence. It monitors the levels of style: Phonetic, Syntactic, inflection, depiction and a comprehensive Semantics among them, taking advantage of other criticism methods and theoretical arguments. Study plan: The study was divided into: Introduction Includes: - Determining the subject of the study. - The difference between poetry and prose. - Definition of semantic. - Definition of stylistic. - Determining the concept of choice. - The importance and purpose of the study. - Methodology and plan. The study includes: - Section III: access to the semantic through the structures and words contrary to those in poetry. - Section II: access to the semantic through some of the structures and words in the poetry. - Section 1: Access to the meaning through the structures and words of poetry. Conclusion of the study. Sources and references. Conclusion: - The expression of Ibn al-Atheer in the prose which converted from poetry on the semantic of poetry through different structures of the structures chosen by the poet in his poetry; reveals that the relationship between the semantic and structure is variable relationship; the expression can be expressed in several combinations. - The expression of the proser in his prose which converted from poetry by means of alternative structures, does not mean that the alternative structure occurs the same effect in the receiver. - The sub- semantic that added to the total semantic by the proser in his prose which converted from poetry, offset by an effect on the receiver that enhances his interaction with the total semantic. - In the poetry, there are words and structures with central semantic that the proser can not find in the prose to express the same semantic, which is a manifestation of the influence of semantic in the choice of the author of the composition, which means that the selection process of alternatives may not exist.
