Influence of feed, manure and their combination on the growth of Cyprinus carpio (L.) fry and fingerlings

Balığın farklı evrelerinde besin girişlerinin (beslenme ve gübre kombinasyonları) etkileri hakkında bir fikir elde edebilmek için 98 gün süresince içinde Cyprinus carpio larva ve yavruları bulunan çamur dipli açık çimento tanklarında iki farklı saha denemesi yapılmıştır. Muamele kontrol (C), sadece yem (F), sadece gübre (M) ve gübre artı yem (M+F) ‘den oluşmaktadır. Kümes hayvanlarından alınan gübre, gübre muamelesi yapılan (M ve M+F) tanklara bölünmüş dozlarda uygulanmıştır. Larvalar, ortalama 0,67 g (deney 1) ve yavrular, ortalama 3,2 g (deney 2) ilk gübre uygulamasından sonra yedi gün stoklanmıştır (4 birey/$m^2$). F ve M+F’deki balıklara pellet diyetler vücut ağırlıklarının %5’ine denk gelecek miktarda günde bir kez olacak şekilde sadece sabahları verilmiştir. Fitoplanktonlar arasında en baskın olanlar Microcystis, Anabaena ve Microspora’dır. Zooplanktonlar arasında ise dominant olanlar Keratella ve Nauplii’dir. M+F muamelesi en yüksek plankton biyokütlesine sahipti (P

Larva ve yavru Cyprinus carpio (L.)’un gelişimi üzerine beslenme ve gübre kombinasyonlarının etkisi

Two field experiments, each of 98-day duration, were conducted in outdoor mud- bottomed cement tanks, employing common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fry and fingerlings, with a view to study the effect of nutrient inputs (feed, manure and their combination) on different life stages of the fish. The treatments consisted of control (C), only feed (F), only manure (M) and manure plus feed (M+F). Poultry manure was applied in split doses to tanks of manure treatments (M and M+F). Fry (Experiment one) and fingerlings (Experiment two) of average weight 0.67 g and 3.2 g respectively, were stocked seven days after the initial manure application at 4 individuals/$m^2$. Fish in F and M+F treatments were provided a fish meal based pelleted diet once daily in the morning at 5% of body weight. The most dominant genera of phytoplankton encountered were Microcystis, Anabaena and Microspora, while among the zooplankton, Keratella and Nauplii dominated. M+F treatment had the highest plankton biomass (P<0.05). Significant (P<0.05) variation in both phyto and zooplankton dry weight was recorded with respect to the study period. Both feeding and manuring, individually and in combination, significantly improved (P<0.05) the growth of fish. The highest specific growth rate, final fish weight, and gross production were recorded in M+F treatment in both the experiments. The difference in survival among the control and treatments was not significant in experiment one (P>0.05), whereas F and M+F treatments recorded lower survival (P<0.05) in experiment two. Fish production was comparable under feed (F) and manure (M) treatments (P>0.05) in experiment one, but was significantly (P<0.05) different in experiment two. The increment in gross fish production over the control was 103.22 and 119.99% in feed, 77.30 and 59.44% in manure and 162.34 and 175.08% in M+F treatments of the two experiments respectively. Carcass protein, fat and ash contents were significantly (P<0.05) higher in the three treatments as compared to the control. The different digestive enzymes recorded higher values in fish from the three treatments than those of the control.


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Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences-Cover
  • ISSN: 1303-2712
  • Başlangıç: 2015
  • Yayıncı: Su Ürünleri Merkez Araştırma Enstitüsü - Trabzon
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