The world refugee population increases day-by-day, and countries are not prepared from this sudden and unexpected situation. It remains a mystery whether or when the problem will end and refugees will be able to return to their homelands. Thus, as time passes by, it is becoming necessary for refugees to live in more stable and sustainable communities. Consequently, it is also necessary to obtain information regarding the nature of how these communities should be and their ability to meet basic human needs and international standards. It is likewise significant to understand the sociological conditions of refugees’ former homes, e.g. culture, living situations, traditions, and lifestyles, as individuals’ satisfaction with their environment is essential to their social and physical adaptation. Accordingly, the opinions of refugees living in Nizip refugee camp were obtained in this study via the administration of a survey. Although the camp was comprised of areas dedicated to education, sports, and social activities, only onefifth of the individuals surveyed regarded these facilities as sufficient. They expressed that the camp did not adequately address their social needs due to its location outside the city center, its economic inability to meet their social needs, and their long-term residence in the same area.


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