Yarmouk University and the first department of Persian Language and literature across the Jordanian University

Yarmouk University and the first department of Persian Language and literature across the Jordanian University

This article is concerned with examining the establishment of the first Dept of Persian Language and Literature across the Jordanian Universities. In 2000, Yarmouk University made a quantum leap in the context of teaching the Persian language and literature through inaugurating the Dept. of Persian Language and Literature at the College of Arts. As a result, the Persian language and literature are being taught as an autonomous subject of study at the B.A. level, and so far, a large number of Jordanian students have graduated from this Dept. Generally, this study addresses the precedence of the Persian language in Jordan and gives an overview on Yarmouk University, i.e., its colleges, library, educational system as well as the significance of establishing the Persian language and literature as a subject of study at this particular university. Finally, the study offers an in-depth analysis of the study plan of this Dept.; an analysis augmented with several tables
