Aesthetics Title in The Poetry of Ali Jafar Al-Alaq

Aesthetics Title in The Poetry of Ali Jafar Al-Alaq

The poetic title consists of a group of linguistic signs which take various forms in language. Such signs define a given text and signify its contents as well as its textual nature. There is a connection between the poetic title and the poetic text to its very last word. It is dynamic and genuinely dialectic in its relationship, a factor that is essential to any profound analysis of the title and its attributes. Ali Jaafar Al-Allaq is known to be one of the poets who attentively write their poems and select their titles with similar precision. A more extensive reading into Al-Allaq's poetry will reveal many variations to his choice of poetic titles, providing them with syntactical structure that corresponds to the meaning of each poem (2 volumes, Amman, 2013).The development (evolution) of Al Allaq's title selection process can be traced and illustrated in the present study and analysis.
