Zia Pasha's Career in Literature and Persian Language

Zia Pasha's Career in Literature and Persian Language

Zia Pasha is one of the most important poets in Turkish Tanzimat literature. The most significant characteristic of this period is its deviation from Divani literature in the aspect of linguistic without getting any influence from Arabic and Persian literatures. It has been one of the aims of poets and writers in this period to avoid getting any impact of Arabic and Persian literatures. Zia Pasha, like other poets and writers in his age, has tried to forget learning from his youth and look at the modern literature influenced by the west literature, as well. He has proposed literary theories regarding the necessity of modernization. By the end of his career, again based on his learning and interests in Divan literature, he changed his viewpoint and by creating works such as Harabat he has become disciple of Divan literature and subsequently Persian literature. In this paper, Zia Pasha's career in literature, according to his viewpoints and works, is classified into three parts: 1. Zia Pasha's engagement in popular and Divan literature and composing poems in this literature 2. His familiarity with west literature and nationalism theories and his attempt to create in native Turkish language 3. His referral to the literature in Divan period and interest in Divani and Persian literature.


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