Investigate the Effects of Non-genetic Factors on Calving Difficulty and Stillbirth Rate in Holstein Friesian Cattle Using the CHAID Analysis

Bu çalışmada, genetiksel olmayan bazı faktörlerin Siyah Alaca sığırlarda güç ve ölü doğuma etkilerinin CHAID algoritması ile analizi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, Gümüşhane ilinde faaliyet gösteren özel bir süt sığırı işletmesinde 2004 ile 2006 yılları arasında doğum yapan 613 Siyah Alaca ineğin 947 buzağılama kaydı kullanılmıştır. Buzağılara ait ortalama doğum ağırlığı 41.0±0.19 kg olmuştur. Sürüye ait ortalama buzağılama güçlüğü ve ölü doğum oranları sırasıyla %9.1 ve %9.4 olmuştur. Buzağılama güçlüğünü etkileyen en önemli çevresel değişkenler, buzağı doğum ağırlığı, buzağılama tipi ve buzağılama mevsimi olmuştur. Buzağılara ait doğum ağırlığı artıkça, buzağılama güçlüğü önemli oranda artmıştır (P

Genetiksel Olmayan Faktörlerin Siyah Alaca Sığırlarda Güç ve Ölü Doğuma Etkilerinin CHAID Analizi İle İncelenmesi

A total number of 947 calving records from 613 Holstein Friesian cows raised at a private dairy farm in Kelkit, Turkey, from 2004 to 2006 were used to study the effect of non-genetic factors on calving difficulty and stillbirth rate using CHAID algorithm. The mean calf birth weight was 41.0±0.19 kg. The overall incidence of calving difficulty and stillbirths in the Holstein Friesian herd were 9.1% and 9.4%, respectively. Calf birth weight, birth type and calving season had the greatest impact on calving difficulty. The increase in calf birth weight was associated with a significant increase in calving difficulties (P<0.01). The calving difficulty risk in twins (18.9%) was higher than in singleton calves (5.0%). The main environmental variables affecting the stillbirth rate were parity number, calf birth weight, sex of calf, calving season and calving difficulty. Parity number was statistically the most relevant factor affecting the stillbirth rate, which was also higher in primiparous (18.7%) than in multiparous cows (5.4%). As the calf birth weight increased, a significant increase was also in the stillbirth rate (P<0.01). The stillbirth rate in winter (19.7%) was higher than in other seasons (3.6%) (P<0.01). Calving assistance was associated with an increased risk of stillbirth (P<0.05). As a result, calf birth weight, birth type and calving season had the greatest impact variables on calving difficulty, however, parity, calf birth weight, sex, calving season and calving difficulty were the most effective variables on stillbirth in Holstein Friesian Cattle.


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Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1300-6045
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 6 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 1995
  • Yayıncı: Kafkas Üniv. Veteriner Fak.
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