Development of Cartoon Concept Based Student Worksheet with Structured Inquiry Approach to Train Science Process Skills

The aims of this study are (1) to produce cartoon concept based student worksheet is valid, practical, and effective to train science process skills, (2) describe the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of cartoon concept based student worksheet to train process skills science. This research used development research with three stages, namely defining, designing, and developing. The results of expert validation state that the student worksheet is ready for use. Furthermore, it was tested on the fifth-grade students in Kedungdoro elementary school Surabaya with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The result of this research shows that (1) the cartoon concept based student worksheet is valid, because the readability assessment shows that the average number of words that can be completed by students is 73.13 from 81 words or 90.29%, it indicates that the level of readability of student worksheet is high and easy to understand by students in learning. besides that the activities of students showed positive results, namely observing 13.37%; make a hypothesis 14.17%; experiment 13.06%; measure 14.36%; classify 12.20%; interfere with 13.85%, communicate 13.52%; and conclude 13.75%. (2) The cartoon concept based student worksheet can make the student’s science process skills increase with the gain score is 0.80


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