The Difficulties in Implementing Scientific Approach for Mathematics Learning

The learning system of Curriculum 2013 uses a scientific approach regulated in the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 65 of 2013. The scientific approach emphasizes the importance of collaboration and cooperation among students in knowing and understanding various materials. The purpose of curriculum 2013 is making students are able to formulate a problem and study analytical thinking. However, in fact, teachers face difficulties in implementing the scientific approach. It is a descriptive qualitative study. Data is obtained through observation on the mathematics learning process of X grade at Kupang city. The results reveal that there are several difficulties faced by the teachers in implementing the scientific approach. They are (1) difficulty in making students actively involved in the learning process, (2) difficulty in stimulating students to ask questions, (3) difficulty in making students formulate their own knowledge, and (4) difficulty in fostering the courage and language skills of students to communicate results.


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