Effectiveness of Teaching Materials of History to Improve the Political Awareness at SMA Katolik Diponegoro Blitar, Indonesia

This study aimed to find out the effectiveness of teaching materials of the struggle of Todung Sutan Gunung Mulia to improve the students’ political awareness. This study was conducted in class XI of Specialization in Linguistics, Sciences, and Social Sciences for the Indonesian history subject at SMA Katolik Diponegoro Blitar. The approach used in this research was the quasi-experimental approach with the pretest posttest control group design. The population and sample in this research were determined using the random sampling technique. The techniques of analyzing data used in this research were normality test, homogeneity test, mean similarity test and effectiveness test. The result of the research showed that the students who learned the history using the teaching materials of the struggle of Todung Sutan Gunung Mulia had the higher political awareness if compared to the students who were not provided with the treatment (the lecture method). This could be proven that there was a positive and significant improvement after the students were provided by the treatment in the experimental classroom. The average score of the students’ political awareness which was initially 160.56 increased to 177.64, while the average score in the control classroom did not have a positive and significant improvement. The average score of the students’ political awareness which was initially 163.24 increased to 174.80. The increased score of the political awareness in the control classroom was not significant if compared to the experimental classroom.


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