The Effects of Personal and Social Responsibility Model in the Middle School Students’ Sense of Responsibility and Behavior

The Effects of Personal and Social Responsibility Model in the Middle School Students’ Sense of Responsibility and Behavior

This study evaluated improvement in the personal and social responsibility model on the sense of responsibility and behavior of middle school students participating in a program in which Hellison’s Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model was applied in extracurricular physical activities. Sixty-four at adolescents aged 13-14 years old (34 boys, 30 girls) were assigned to an intervention group (18 boys and 16 girls) and a comparison group (16 boys, 14 girls), the latter of which did not participate in extracurricular in the program. The result of the study showed an improvement in responsibility behaviors of participants in the intervention group. This suggests that the TPSRM could be effective for improving of responsibility for sense of responsibility, but it could not impact on students in the responsibility behaviors during the ten weeks. Keywords: Teaching personal and social responsibility model, extracurricular activities, physical education, personal and social responsibility


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  • Başlangıç: 1986
  • Yayıncı: Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dekanlığı
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The Effects of Personal and Social Responsibility Model in the Middle School Students’ Sense of Responsibility and Behavior